Broadlink Black Bean (RM 3 Mini) IR Controller - Integration in OpenHAB


Sorry for the late reply on your previous posts. So, you’re not using I was wondering why would you sniff UDP packets, when you can learn commands directly from the script. Anyway, doesn’t use dummy command anymore, since I’ve moved to using python-broadlink package instead of simple UDP payload, and before that, I’ve found a part of the UDP payload that should be changed on every consecutive command sent. You can find changes on the github (you can go through commits to find older version of the script that was using dummy command, or version of the script with random parts of an UDP payload - it’s in the commit made on October 30). Basically, there are two parts of the hex code, both 2 bytes long, that should be changed every time you send a command. It was pretty easy to make that change in python, but, since I’m not very good in Java, I’m not sure about those changes in your code. Hope this helps. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,