Broadlink Black Bean (RM 3 Mini) IR Controller - Integration in OpenHAB

Hello Lionello!

As I supposed, you’re using 2.X Python. There is pretty big difference between 2.X and 3.X, and the code is not always compatible. I’ve managed to go past the last error (had to reinstall pycrypto from a wheel), but when I try to execute your code, I get the same error I’ve got last night:

es\broadlink-0.1-py3.5.egg\broadlink\", line 34, in discover
    packet[0x08] = timezone
TypeError: an integer is required

For some reason, Python 3.X represents this value as float. I’ll try to install Python 2.X on some virtual machine and see if it works that way. Thank you for your help.

Best regards,