BroadlinkThermostat Index out of Bounds Error - is there a fix?

2025-01-13 09:54:00.642 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing ‘broadlinkthermostat:floureonthermostat:e6819dd6a2’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Error while retrieving data for broadlinkthermostat:floureonthermostat:e6819dd6a2: Index 39 out of bounds for length 30 to ONLINE

2025-01-13 09:54:11.524 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing ‘broadlinkthermostat:floureonthermostat:e6819dd6a2’ changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Error while retrieving data for broadlinkthermostat:floureonthermostat:e6819dd6a2: Index 39 out of bounds for length 30

Did anyone have this problem?

I use the latest openHAB 4.3.1 - Broadlink Thermostat Binding 4.3.1

it had problems in the older versions aswell… as soon as i DISABLED/ENABLED the thing it worked for some while…

a workaround is having a script check the thing status every 5 minutes and then disable/enable by JS Script. but that is not clean



Hi Petar,

  • I have attached this jar (please rename and remove .txt extension)
    org.openhab.binding.broadlinkthermostat-4.3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar.txt (95.1 KB)

  • The only difference is that it has an extra debug log with the stack trace to help us figure out exactly where this error occurred.

  • Uninstall the built in broadlinkthermostat binding

  • Once you’ve installed the jar, set its log level to DEBUG in karaf or maybe via UI. In karaf it would be:

openhab> log:set debug org.openhab.binding.broadlinkthermostat
  • Then post the stacktrace here