Yes. You are very right. Sorry about that. I’ll be back when I can test something.
Hello Everybody!
I have installed the new binding on raspberry pi and done all following the explanations
to connect openhab with Bticino and Google Home Mini. All work! but i have only one problem with thermostats.
When i send the commands to set mode and temperature both from paper ui and Google Mini, I don’t receive any error (to the voice command Google answers me “OK”) but the commands are not sended to thermostats.
I have created items group (thermostat) and sitemap configuration as the examples shown in the mvalla’s guide.
Mu gateway is F454.
Thank you so much for any help!
Hello Carmine, could you tell me how you have configured openhab to use it with google home mini.
thanks a lot
Hi Marcello (@Marcello_Chiara ),
did you read the README???
There is a section about connection with Google Assistant/Siri/Alexa.
This involves several steps which are not related to the binding and cannot be discussed here. In the readme there are the links to the info you are looking for.
You guys must read the readme before posting questions…
I will stop furher help request about GH/Alexa/Siri integration here if they are not related to the binding because these are OT here.
i have other users that can change set mode and setpoint temp from PaperUI.
Can you do the following:
- read the README for info on how to set log level to DEBUG
- try to change setmode and temperature from PaperUI (not from Google Mini because there are a lot more layers involved which may not be ready yet)
- send me the openhab.log file via Private Message here
First rule: RTFM!!!
Second rule: if the first rule fails then google it
Third rule: if the second rule fails then ask a guru
I will start with the first
Hi, Massi!
I have done what you told me! I can’t to attach the log file because I’m new user.
How Can I do?
Thank you so much!
from browers come on the link :http://ip raspberry:9001/ and highlight the code and copy key, in windows CTRL + C
click icon , highlight in red
replace “your code goes here” with your log with paste CTRL + V
Here you are the Log code after try to switch mode from off to manual and set temp from 21.5 to 23.
The only one thing that i can do from Paper UI is swich off the Fancoil.
2018-12-18 21:41:39.270 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'iTStudio_setMode' received command MANUAL
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:39.271 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - ==OWN:ThingHandler== handleCommand() (command=MANUAL - channel=openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:TStudio_thermostat:setMode)
2018-12-18 21:41:39.275 [DEBUG] [er.OpenWebNetThermoregulationHandler] - ==OWN:ThermoHandler== handleModeCommand() (command=MANUAL)
2018-12-18 21:41:39.279 [DEBUG] [er.OpenWebNetThermoregulationHandler] - ==OWN:ThermoHandler== handleModeCommand() modeWhat=MANUAL_GENERIC
2018-12-18 21:41:39.288 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *4*310*#5##
2018-12-18 21:41:39.311 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## CANNOT read from socket: read returned -1
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:39.311 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - iTStudio_setMode changed from OFF to MANUAL
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:39.318 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## read returned -1
2018-12-18 21:41:39.321 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## let's try with a NEW SESSION...
2018-12-18 21:41:39.325 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## Trying openCommandSession() socket.... (
2018-12-18 21:41:39.335 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... starting HANDSHAKE ...
2018-12-18 21:41:39.339 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<====== *#*1##
2018-12-18 21:41:39.342 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING ======>>>>>> *99*0##
2018-12-18 21:41:39.347 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<====== *#*1##
2018-12-18 21:41:39.350 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## ... CONNECTED command session
2018-12-18 21:41:39.353 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *4*310*#5##
2018-12-18 21:41:39.363 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<<<<<<<============ *#*0##
2018-12-18 21:41:40.408 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## sending MON keepalive ACK
2018-12-18 21:41:40.410 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - MON SENDING ======>>>>>> *#*1##
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:44.296 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'iTStudio_setpointTemp' received command 23 ℃
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:44.299 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - ==OWN:ThingHandler== handleCommand() (command=23 ℃ - channel=openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:TStudio_thermostat:setpointTemperature)
2018-12-18 21:41:44.304 [DEBUG] [er.OpenWebNetThermoregulationHandler] - ==OWN:ThermoHandler== handleSetpointCommand() (command=23 ℃)
2018-12-18 21:41:44.309 [DEBUG] [.openwebnet.message.Thermoregulation] - ====TEMPERATURE 23.0 --> : <0230>
2018-12-18 21:41:44.316 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *#4*5*#14*0230*3##
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:44.339 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - iTStudio_setpointTemp changed from 21.5 ℃ to 23 ℃
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2018-12-18 21:41:44.347 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<<<<<<<============ *#*0##
2018-12-18 21:42:30.938 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## readMonitoring() SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
2018-12-18 21:42:30.941 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BusReceiveThread## SocketTimeoutException on readMonitoring: Read timed out
2018-12-18 21:42:30.944 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BusReceiveThread## ^^^ sending CMD message to see if gw is still reachable...
2018-12-18 21:42:30.949 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *#13**15##
2018-12-18 21:42:30.952 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## CANNOT read from socket: read returned -1
2018-12-18 21:42:30.962 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## read returned -1
2018-12-18 21:42:30.965 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## let's try with a NEW SESSION...
2018-12-18 21:42:30.969 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## Trying openCommandSession() socket.... (
2018-12-18 21:42:30.977 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... starting HANDSHAKE ...
2018-12-18 21:42:30.982 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<====== *#*1##
2018-12-18 21:42:30.987 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING ======>>>>>> *99*0##
2018-12-18 21:42:30.991 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<====== *#*1##
2018-12-18 21:42:30.994 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## ... CONNECTED command session
2018-12-18 21:42:30.997 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *#13**15##
2018-12-18 21:42:31.022 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<<<<<<<============ *#13**15*200##
2018-12-18 21:42:31.067 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - COM RECEIVED <<<<<<<<<<<<============ *#*1##
2018-12-18 21:42:31.369 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUSReceiveThread## ^^^ ... CMD was answered, gw is still reachable!
2018-12-18 21:42:31.370 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a ] - MON RECEIVED <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**15*200##
2018-12-18 21:42:31.372 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## server MODEL=MyHOMEServer1 / MH202 / F455
2018-12-18 21:42:31.374 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== GatewayManagement WHAT = null
2018-12-18 21:43:10.408 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## sending MON keepalive ACK
2018-12-18 21:43:10.410 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - MON SENDING ======>>>>>> *#*1##
Michele Thank you for the suggestion! I have done what you said!
Ok created a new topic. Title: Bticino-somfy-netatmo-alexa integration via OWN. Not sure how I can “mention” you to let you in. Hope you can find it. I can’t find an easy way to move a post from one topic to another.
Hi Massimo (@massi)
now I have the raspberry working and have installed the MHServer1. I have used Myhome_up to set up the system. MHS1 has been recognized and installed the new firmware. There is nothing else on the scs bus at the moment.
I’ve tried to discover MHS1 through PaperUI & Inbox to no avail (OWN beta8). This is something under testing, if I remember well. Can I be of help with this?
I have used the OWN client as you suggested far above and I was able to open an event.
- Install beta9
- Active debugging-and-log-files
- In Inbox press icon + and click Openwebnet to start the procedure for discovery, if you do not find anything, publish the log.
So Massimo has the idea of what happens in java
Here it is!! It seems that upnp correctly discover it
Merry Xmas
2018-12-25 02:23:00.923 [DEBUG] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
2018-12-25 02:23:00.965 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - ================================================
2018-12-25 02:23:00.969 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - ==OWN:UPnP== DISCOVERED DEVICE: (RemoteDevice) Identity: (RemoteDeviceIdentity) UDN: uuid:pnp-myhomeserver1-2_2-00:03:50:A4:69:C9, Descriptor:, Root: true
2018-12-25 02:23:00.972 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =FRIENDLY NAME: MyHomeSERVER1
2018-12-25 02:23:00.980 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =BASE URL : null
2018-12-25 02:23:00.984 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =SERIAL # : 00:03:50:A4:69:C9
2018-12-25 02:23:00.988 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =UPC :
2018-12-25 02:23:00.992 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =ID.DESC URL :
2018-12-25 02:23:00.996 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =ID.MAX AGE : 500
2018-12-25 02:23:01.000 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =MANUFACTURER : BTicino S.p.A.
2018-12-25 02:23:01.004 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - =MODEL : MyHomeServer1 | MYHOMESERVER1 | 2.2
2018-12-25 02:23:01.008 [INFO ] [overy.BusGatewayDiscoveryParticipant] - ================================================
2018-12-25 02:23:01.048 [DEBUG] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
2018-12-25 02:23:01.055 [INFO ] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== ------ startScan() - SEARCHING for bridges…
2018-12-25 02:23:01.057 [DEBUG] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery:Dongle== … trying to connect dongle …
2018-12-25 02:23:01.060 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - ##gw-openwebnet## Finding serial ports…
2018-12-25 02:23:01.066 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - ##gw-openwebnet## … found serial port /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-12-25 02:23:01.069 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - ##gw-openwebnet## … trying to connect USB dongle on serial port /dev/ttyAMA0 …
2018-12-25 02:23:01.081 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - SERIAL SENDING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1360*##
2018-12-25 02:23:01.081 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee$a ] - ##gw-openwebnet-ReceiveThread## USB RECEIVING on port: /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-12-25 02:23:03.098 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee$a ] - ##gw-openwebnet-ReceiveThread## STOPPED receive thread on port: /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-12-25 02:23:03.180 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - ##gw-openwebnet## no response received from port: /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-12-25 02:23:03.184 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee ] - ##gw-openwebnet## --NO USB ZigBee dongle FOUND–
2018-12-25 02:23:03.190 [DEBUG] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
2018-12-25 02:23:03.192 [INFO ] [ery.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== no serial ports found
Under Configuration
- Things
, do you find the gateway bus?

, do you find the gateway bus?
No, Things is empty. I was just saying that MHS1 responded to upnp protocol (see the debug).
We must wait @massi
a new release of the OpenWebNet biding is available: beta9-1.
This new release brings new features:
[FIX #6] and [FIX #33] Initial support for
CEN/CEN+ for receiving events from BUS Scenario Control devices/buttons (for example Scenario Control: HC/HD/HS/L/N/NT4680) and sending virtual pressure commands to activate BUS scenarios from openHAB. Use discovery by activation to discover CEN/CEN+ scenario control devices. Further buttons/channels are discovered by pressing the corresponding physical button after the device has been added from Inbox -
[FIX #9] Support for
Dry Contact interfaces and IR Sensors on BUS, with discovery -
[FIX #11] Initial support for
Energy Management on BUS, with discovery. Currently supported: Energy Management Central Unit (F521) power measures - [FIX #29] Added support for command translation (1000# ) for Automation
- [FIX #27] Device Discovery by Activation for Lighting and CEN/CEN+: if a BUS physical device is not found in Inbox during a Scan, activate the device to discover it
Installation and Upgrade
To install/upgrade to the new version, follow the instructions in the README.
The binding is also published on the Eclipse IoT Marketplace.
(If you cannot find the binding in the search, probably you have an issue with certificates in your Java environment, that must be updated. Follow this solution to add the required certificates to access all bindings on the Marketplace).
This binding version has been tested with OH 2.3.0 and 2.4.0.
The next release will be linked to openHAB 2.5.0 development.
For any help/issue on the new binding, write here in this thread.
As always a special thanks goes to those who helped testing! (see README for a list).