Hi, i found buttongrid turtial but cant handle with that :/. I have 6 switches 1x1 1x2 1x3 2x1 2x2 2x3 i try to buld buttongrid but only what works is click to on release to off. I want grid 2x3 switches so when i press 1x1 switch 1 will be set to on when i click it again then switch will change state to off same for 1x2 etc. Someone can help me with that ? some example ?
There two distinct ButtonGrids you may be referring to. Are you using MainUI widgets or sitemaps?
Not sure to understand what you want to do.
Do you want toggle buttons inside a buttongrid ?
For that, create two buttons at the same place with opposite visibility condition, one shown when state is ON and that will send command OFF, and another one shown when state is OFF and that will send command ON
hi, can u guide me how to do it?
Here is a small example:
Buttongrid {
Button row=1 column=1 item=TvPower click=ON label="Off" icon=switch-off stateless visibility=[TvPower != ON]
Button row=1 column=1 item=TvPower click=OFF label="On" icon=switch-on stateless visibility=[TvPower == ON]
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