Caldav binding on raspberry pi 2 not updating

I have two bindings: Caldav and TCP.
In caldav I use the personal binding.

I would like to connect to a calendar and send some command to the tcp connection.
On windows this works perfect but on the raspberry pi 2 it takes a very long time until the first events are read and updated on the bus. After that initial update nothing happens. On windows it regularly updates (1x per min) the items.

Does anyone have some experiences how to get the caldav running correctly on RPI2?


Where did you get your caldav binding from? The first build that has the addon merged into the “official” build is #431 on Jenkins.

Could you please download it from and report your experiences?


Thanks for your reply

I downloaded the addons from your suggested link but the versions are the same.
I have files with which are named 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.

Any other ideas?

Can you check if in the etc/caldav folder are some events?
How many events are in there?
Does it took longer if you delete this files?