Can I use the same button at the same time with two bindings,such as encocean and gpio


I’m pretty confused whetherI the same button at the same time with two bindings,such as encocean and gpio .I wanted to control the Led(GPIO) by use EnOcean Pi and rpi2.
such as
Switch Rocker0 (All) {gpio=“pin:1” enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=F6:02:01, channel=B}"}

Thank you


Like Obama said… :slight_smile: Yes, we can.

In fact, to bind more than one thing to an Item is the common way to use openHAB as a Gateway between bindings, so if you send an ON from EnOcean the gpio Pin will be set and vice versa, without any rule :slight_smile:
just separate the two bindings with a comma, in your case

Switch Rocker0 (All) {gpio="pin:1", enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=F6:02:01, channel=B}"}

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:Thank u very much! Udo_Hartmann.

Cool, I did not know that either… I would have gone straight to rules…