Cannot find Somfy Tahoma Binding on my installation

Hello I would like to install the Somfy Tahoma Binding on my Openhabian (Rasberry PI 3 B+) installation but I cannot find it Via Paper UI.

Can somebody tell me why?
How can I install the binding manually?


i had some issues with missing binding…

i was able to fix by going to Paper UI> system > network > and there i put my OH IP

not sure if same issue but worked for me

The Somfy Tahoma Binding is avaliable via the Eclipse IoT Market. In PaperUI go to Addons > Misc and install the Eclipse IoT Market. After that you should see Somfy Tahoma listed in your bindings.

You could also try the jar file here$org.openhab.binding.somfytahoma/ Note, if your using OH 2.3 this is a 2.4 snapshot binding and not guaranteed to work.

Hi when i want to download Eclipse IOT Market, I get error:

Error dowlaoding mvn:org.eclipse.smarthome.extensionservice/org.eclipse.smarthome.extensionservice.marketplace/0.10.0.oh230

@guitar9 you may want to start a new topic for your issue as this topic is several months old.

Here’s a good topic to help you get started.
