Cannot get Door Status from AEOTEC ZW089-c Recessed Door Sensor Gen5

Ok - sorry, so same question to @macPeterr - I would try disabling security and see if that helps.

Hi Roel,

Started openHab in debug mode and change the suggested configuration parameter. When saving the changes the following is logged

2016-09-13 19:04:03.036 [ERROR] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 17: Error getting configurationCommandClass
2016-09-13 19:04:03.131 [ThingUpdatedEvent         ] - Thing 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node17' has been updated.
2016-09-13 19:04:03.142 [ConfigStatusInfoEvent     ] -

When stepping of the Thing record and stepping back in the value is back again at “Disable sensor binary”.
Also the sensor status in the description is empty

as well as in the contol tab of Paper UI

Seems i am getting a NullPointer Exception when opening/closing the door.

root@raspberrypi:/opt/openhab/userdata/logs# 2016-09-13 19:10:40.618 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 346 to 347
2016-09-13 19:10:40.636 [ERROR] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Exception during ZWave thread: Input 2. {}
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass.sendNonceReport([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass.handleApplicationCommandRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClassWithInitialization.handleApplicationCommandRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.serialmessage.ApplicationCommandMessageClass.handleRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingRequestMessage([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingMessage([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.access$7([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController$[188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
2016-09-13 19:10:43.667 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 347 to 348
2016-09-13 19:10:43.668 [ERROR] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Exception during ZWave thread: Input 2. {}
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass.sendNonceReport([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass.handleApplicationCommandRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClassWithInitialization.handleApplicationCommandRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.serialmessage.ApplicationCommandMessageClass.handleRequest([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingRequestMessage([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingMessage([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.access$7([188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController$[188:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]

Is this with security disabled?

Hi Chris,

I disabled “Do Not Use Security” for the Secure Inclusion Mode. Then excluded the door sensor.
Including through the HABmin admin interfaces seemed not to work, so started the z-way server (shutdown openHAB first) and excluded all z-way devices. Then restarted openHAB again.

No things showing up, except the z-wave serial controller. Tried to include z-way devices from HABmin but this fails.
Started z-way server again and included the three devices using the zwave>me interface.
Back in HABmin the new things are reported to be included.

After including the configuration parameter “121: Configuration Value 4(LSB) SENSOR BINARY” for the ZW089 Recessed Door Sensor Gen5 is changed to “enable sensor binary”. Association group for Status Updates and Battery Warnings are set to “OpenHAB Controller” After setting Association group a status is shown “Node initialising ASSOCIATIONS”.
The status keeps showing up and the sensor data in the properties view stays emtpy.

Excluded and included the devices again in the zwave>me interface. When testing the door sensor in z-wave-me, the events from the door sensor are shown.

Back in HABmin added the things again and changed parameter “121: Configuration Value 4(LSB) SENSOR BINARY” for the ZW089 Recessed Door Sensor Gen5 is changed to “enable sensor binary” again. When hitting ‘Save’ logs show

root@raspberrypi:/opt/openhab/userdata/logs# 2016-09-13 20:32:26.493 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 5: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2016-09-13 20:32:26.497 [ERROR] [l.serialmessage.SendDataMessageClass] - NODE 5: Got an error while sending data. Resending message.
2016-09-13 20:32:26.510 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_ack changed from 342 to 343
2016-09-13 20:32:26.515 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 890 to 891
2016-09-13 20:32:26.528 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 891 to 892
2016-09-13 20:32:27.847 [ERROR] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 5: Error getting configurationCommandClass
2016-09-13 20:32:27.924 [ThingUpdatedEvent         ] - Thing 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node5' has been updated.
2016-09-13 20:32:27.934 [ConfigStatusInfoEvent     ] -
2016-09-13 20:32:31.514 [WARN ] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 5: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=SendData[0x13], type=Request[0x00], priority=Config, dest=5, callback=44, payload=05 03 85 02 02 

Healed the device, no positive effect

Disabled security by setting “Do Not Use Security” for Secure Inclusion Parameters in the (advanced) Z-Wave network settings.

What does this mean? Do you really mean “Z-Way devices” as in the Z-Way system? there should be no problem including devices, but if there are really a debug logfile would be good to see.

This indicates that the device interrogation probably failed.

This indicates that there are problems sending data to the device.

Really it’s hard to see what’s happening without debug logs though - sorry.

I am not able to get the razberry daughter card in inclusion mode within HABmin. To get the razberry daughter card in inclusion mode i need to do this through the z-way server. When included through the z-way server the new included things/devices can be included in habmin.

Started the openHAB with the script but seems not to log substantially more in the logfiles events.log and openhab.log in /opt/openhab/userdata/logs.

When changing the parameter “121: Configuration Value 4(LSB) SENSOR BINARY” for the ZW089 Recessed Door Sensor Gen5 to “enable sensor binary”. Only the following is logged;

2016-09-13 21:06:51.183 [ERROR] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 8: Error getting configurationCommandClass
2016-09-13 21:06:51.267 [ThingUpdatedEvent         ] - Thing 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node8' has been updated.
2016-09-13 21:06:51.286 [ConfigStatusInfoEvent     ] -

When reinitialising the device the following is logged (after closing and opening the door to activate the device)

2016-09-13 21:08:19.316 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_ack changed from 126 to 127
2016-09-13 21:08:19.320 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node8' changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: RETURN_ROUTES to ONLINE: Node initialising: NEIGHBORS
2016-09-13 21:08:19.321 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 291 to 292
2016-09-13 21:08:19.407 [ConfigStatusInfoEvent     ] -
2016-09-13 21:08:19.408 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 8: Initialising Thing Node...
2016-09-13 21:08:19.410 [ThingUpdatedEvent         ] - Thing 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node8' has been updated.
2016-09-13 21:08:19.413 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:device:20a5ffa6:node8' changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: NEIGHBORS to ONLINE
2016-09-13 21:08:19.447 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 8: Initialising Thing Node...
2016-09-13 21:08:32.991 [ERROR] [] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR Device message contained nonce that is unknown to us, id=-93.
2016-09-13 21:08:32.991 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 292 to 293
2016-09-13 21:08:33.007 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_ack changed from 127 to 128
2016-09-13 21:08:33.016 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 293 to 294
2016-09-13 21:08:33.028 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 294 to 295
2016-09-13 21:08:33.042 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 295 to 296
2016-09-13 21:08:33.066 [ERROR] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR MAC Authentication of packet failed. Dropping.
2016-09-13 21:08:33.069 [ERROR] [ssage.ApplicationCommandMessageClass] - NODE 8: Failed to decrypt message out of Message: class=ApplicationCommandHandler[0x04], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=00 08 17 98 81 4B 97 F7 FD 17 C7 9A 26 30 22 E4 53 A3 56 89 22 CE B1 37 AD 57  .
2016-09-13 21:08:33.088 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 296 to 297
2016-09-13 21:08:33.107 [ERROR] [] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR Device message contained nonce that is unknown to us, id=-89.
2016-09-13 21:08:33.119 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_ack changed from 128 to 129
2016-09-13 21:08:33.125 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 297 to 298
2016-09-13 21:08:33.153 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 298 to 299
2016-09-13 21:08:33.169 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 299 to 300
2016-09-13 21:08:33.203 [ERROR] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR MAC Authentication of packet failed. Dropping.
2016-09-13 21:08:33.207 [ERROR] [ssage.ApplicationCommandMessageClass] - NODE 8: Failed to decrypt message out of Message: class=ApplicationCommandHandler[0x04], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=00 08 17 98 81 47 33 0D C1 A6 27 46 EC C7 A6 A0 1B A7 83 2E 7A 8F D0 9C 1B EF  .
2016-09-13 21:08:33.387 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 300 to 301
2016-09-13 21:08:33.404 [ERROR] [] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR Device message contained nonce that is unknown to us, id=-55.
2016-09-13 21:08:33.417 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_ack changed from 129 to 130
2016-09-13 21:08:33.422 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 301 to 302
2016-09-13 21:08:33.449 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 302 to 303
2016-09-13 21:08:33.472 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_20a5ffa6_serial_sof changed from 303 to 304
2016-09-13 21:08:33.500 [ERROR] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - NODE 8: SECURITY_ERROR MAC Authentication of packet failed. Dropping.
2016-09-13 21:08:33.505 [ERROR] [ssage.ApplicationCommandMessageClass] - NODE 8: Failed to decrypt message out of Message: class=ApplicationCommandHandler[0x04], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=00 08 17 98 81 2F 57 05 71 8D 60 12 5E CC 46 91 8D C9 C5 61 53 6E 83 F6 EB 15  .

Hmmm - ok, I thought that the razberry used the standard API. I thought this worked with others, but maybe not. What error do you get in the log?

This doesn’t increase the logging. You need to log on to the console, and use the command “log:set debug org.openhab.binding.zwave” to enable debug logging.

It still looks like security is used :confused:.

Secure Inclusion Mode is really set to ‘Do Not Use Security’

What is the correct way to include devices in HABmin. I expect that the correct procedure was by going to things > z-wave serial controller > z-wave network settings and selecting a inclusion mode.

I didn’t think there was such an option?

The correct way in openhab is to enable discovery mode. In HABmin, that is done through a button in the top taskbar that looks like a search button.

See here in the “Adding Z-Wave devices” section.

Hi Peter,

additionally I would clearly suggest to get the razberry card fully working with HABmin/Zwave-binding first!

I’ve found a thread where you can find helpful informations for the installation and configuration of the daugther card:

Hi Stefan,

Did a complete installation from scratch now without the z-wave software. Have a complete installation process document in markdown format but am not able to upload it to this thread. I have read the suggested thread again, but there seems to be nothing new.

In short, openHab 2.0.0B3 is now installed and the Z-Wave Serial Controller is added as a thing.
When changing the port configuration to /dev/ttyAMA0, the logs report that the port does not exist.

2016-09-14 20:32:33.303 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ThingUpdatedEvent   ] - Thing 'zwave:serial_zstick:1572a637f7a' has been updated.
2016-09-14 20:32:33.313 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1572a637f7a' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE
2016-09-14 20:32:33.313 [INFO ] [me.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1572a637f7a' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE
2016-09-14 20:32:33.407 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1572a637f7a' changed from OFFLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Serial Error: Port /dev/ttyAMA0 does not exist
2016-09-14 20:32:33.407 [INFO ] [me.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1572a637f7a' changed from OFFLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Serial Error: Port /dev/ttyAMA0 does not exist

Also making a symbolic link (/dev/ttyUSB30) to the port /dev/ttyAMA0 and using the symbolic link gives no luck.
Port does exist.
Also removing the property from the JAVA_OPTS in karaf/bin/setenv does not make a change.

Have you added the users (don’t know which users run your OH2):

sudo usermod -a -G dialout openhab
sudo usermod -a -G dialout pi
sudo usermod -a -G dialout root
sudo usermod -G tty openhab

And also if this seems not to be directly related to your problem: You should use the newest OH2 build. Beta 4 or the latest snapshot.

Hi Stefan,

I followed the so openhab is started as user openhab.
The installed version was 2.0.0b3 but the repository seems to have been updated to b4 now.

After adding openhab to the tty and dialout group openhab still reported that it was not able to access the serial port.
Also when checking it as openhab using stty;

sudo -u openhab bash
stty < /dev/ttyAMA0

It returned

bash: /dev/ttyAMA0: Permission denied

Finally fixed it. For some reason the serial port on a clean and updated installation of Raspbian is missing the read permissions on the tty group.

ls -al /dev/ttyAMA0
crw--w---- 1 root tty 204, 64 Sep 16 09:08 /dev/ttyAMA0

So the fix in the end was simple

chmod g+r /dev/ttyAMA0

Finally :smile:

2016-09-16 09:45:54.192 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline
2016-09-16 09:45:54.195 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Connecting to serial port '/dev/ttyAMA0'
2016-09-16 09:45:54.304 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Serial port is initialized
2016-09-16 09:45:54.330 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - Update networkKey
2016-09-16 09:45:54.371 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2016-09-16 09:45:54.373 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.

Next step… including the z-wave devices

Hmmm… after a restart of the openhab2 service the logs show that it able to access the razberry card but seem to fail to communicate

2016-09-16 10:08:47.942 [INFO ] [basic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Started Basic UI at /basicui/app
2016-09-16 10:08:48.686 [INFO ] [assic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Started Classic UI at /classicui/app
2016-09-16 10:08:49.201 [INFO ] [arthome.ui.paper.internal.PaperUIApp] - Started Paper UI at /ui
2016-09-16 10:08:49.407 [INFO ] [.dashboard.internal.DashboardService] - Started dashboard at /start
2016-09-16 10:08:49.641 [INFO ] [ui.habmin.internal.servlet.HABminApp] - Started HABmin servlet at /habmin
2016-09-16 10:08:54.820 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2016-09-16 10:08:54.839 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline
2016-09-16 10:08:54.844 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Connecting to serial port '/dev/ttyAMA0'
2016-09-16 10:08:54.945 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Serial port is initialized
2016-09-16 10:08:54.970 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - Update networkKey
2016-09-16 10:08:55.008 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2016-09-16 10:08:55.010 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2016-09-16 10:08:58.072 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0x5A.
2016-09-16 10:08:58.105 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from NULL to 1
2016-09-16 10:08:58.108 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_sof changed from NULL to 1
2016-09-16 10:08:59.555 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xFF.
2016-09-16 10:08:59.561 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from 1 to 2
2016-09-16 10:09:01.056 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xFF.
2016-09-16 10:09:01.062 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from 2 to 3
2016-09-16 10:09:02.556 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xF8.
2016-09-16 10:09:02.562 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from 3 to 4
2016-09-16 10:09:03.057 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:09:08.077 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:09:13.097 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:09:18.248 [WARN ] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=GetVersion[0x15], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=

The java property has been added to the EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS_COMMON in /usr/share/openhab2/runtime/karaf/bin/setenv

After enabling zwave debugging and restart of openhab log shows;

2016-09-16 10:19:25.530 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_can-zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3:serial_can' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.534 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_nak-zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3:serial_nak' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.538 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof-zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3:serial_oof' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.552 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_sof-zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3:serial_sof' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.737 [ItemAddedEvent            ] - Item 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_sof' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.743 [ItemAddedEvent            ] - Item 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_ack' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.747 [ItemAddedEvent            ] - Item 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_nak' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.752 [ItemAddedEvent            ] - Item 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_can' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.757 [ItemAddedEvent            ] - Item 'zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:25.779 [ThingAddedEvent           ] - Thing 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' has been added.
2016-09-16 10:19:29.808 [INFO ] [basic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Started Basic UI at /basicui/app
2016-09-16 10:19:31.497 [INFO ] [assic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Started Classic UI at /classicui/app
2016-09-16 10:19:32.196 [INFO ] [arthome.ui.paper.internal.PaperUIApp] - Started Paper UI at /ui
2016-09-16 10:19:32.520 [INFO ] [.dashboard.internal.DashboardService] - Started dashboard at /start
2016-09-16 10:19:32.822 [INFO ] [ui.habmin.internal.servlet.HABminApp] - Started HABmin servlet at /habmin
2016-09-16 10:19:32.841 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - BundleEvent STARTING - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:32.858 [DEBUG] [inding.zwave.internal.ZWaveActivator] - Z-Wave binding started. Version 2.0.0.b4
2016-09-16 10:19:33.172 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.ConfigOptionProvider, org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.ConfigDescriptionProvider}={,,, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:33.189 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {}={,,, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:33.341 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.ThingHandler}={thing.type=zwave:serial_zstick,,, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:33.355 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.ThingHandlerFactory}={,,, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:33.365 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - BundleEvent STARTED - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:37.289 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2016-09-16 10:19:37.293 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Initializing ZWave serial controller.
2016-09-16 10:19:37.303 [DEBUG] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Initializing ZWave Controller.
2016-09-16 10:19:37.315 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Connecting to serial port '/dev/ttyAMA0'
2016-09-16 10:19:37.319 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline
2016-09-16 10:19:37.419 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Starting receive thread
2016-09-16 10:19:37.428 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Serial port is initialized
2016-09-16 10:19:37.428 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Starting ZWave thread: Receive
2016-09-16 10:19:37.430 [DEBUG] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Initialising ZWave controller
2016-09-16 10:19:37.458 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - Update networkKey
2016-09-16 10:19:37.496 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2016-09-16 10:19:37.499 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2016-09-16 10:19:37.509 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Starting ZWave thread: Send
2016-09-16 10:19:37.513 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave thread: Input
2016-09-16 10:19:37.527 [DEBUG] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - Activating ZWave discovery service for zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3
2016-09-16 10:19:37.533 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryService}={, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:19:40.503 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveController$InitializeDelayTask] - Initialising network
2016-09-16 10:19:40.528 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 0
2016-09-16 10:19:40.530 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 0. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:40.532 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:40.534 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:40.539 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 1. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:40.548 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 2. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:40.550 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Frame length is out of limits (1)
2016-09-16 10:19:40.552 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Frame length is out of limits (149)
2016-09-16 10:19:40.556 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:40.562 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_sof changed from NULL to 1
2016-09-16 10:19:40.563 [DEBUG] [rialmessage.GetSucNodeIdMessageClass] - Get SUC NodeID
2016-09-16 10:19:40.565 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:40.805 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Receive Timeout - Sending NAK
2016-09-16 10:19:42.044 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xF8.
2016-09-16 10:19:42.053 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from NULL to 1
2016-09-16 10:19:43.543 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xFC.
2016-09-16 10:19:43.552 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from 1 to 2
2016-09-16 10:19:45.045 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Protocol error (OOF). Got 0xFE.
2016-09-16 10:19:45.050 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - zwave_serial_zstick_1573262d7b3_serial_oof changed from 2 to 3
2016-09-16 10:19:45.578 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:19:45.580 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:45.582 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2016-09-16 10:19:45.584 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:45.587 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:50.607 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:19:50.609 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:50.611 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2016-09-16 10:19:50.613 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:50.615 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:55.637 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:19:55.643 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:19:55.645 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2016-09-16 10:19:55.647 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:19:55.649 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:20:00.667 [WARN ] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=GetVersion[0x15], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=
2016-09-16 10:20:00.670 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2016-09-16 10:20:00.676 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:00.679 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:05.697 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:20:05.974 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:20:05.976 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2016-09-16 10:20:05.979 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:05.982 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:10.997 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:20:10.999 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:20:11.001 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2016-09-16 10:20:11.004 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:11.007 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:16.027 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:20:16.050 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:20:16.052 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2016-09-16 10:20:16.055 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:16.057 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2016-09-16 10:20:21.077 [WARN ] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=MemoryGetId[0x20], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=
2016-09-16 10:20:21.098 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2016-09-16 10:20:21.101 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2016-09-16 10:20:21.104 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2016-09-16 10:20:26.117 [ERROR] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2016-09-16 10:20:26.142 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:20:26.144 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2016-09-16 10:20:26.147 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2016-09-16 10:20:26.149 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 

It seems that the z-wave software has to be installed. When installing it reports that the AMA0 interface is reconfigured for the razberry.

Preparing AMA0 interface:
 removing 'console=ttyAMA0,115200' and 'kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 and 'console=serial0,115200' from kernel command line (/boot/cmdline.txt)
 removing '*:*:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyAMA0' from /etc/inittab
mv: cannot stat '/tmp/zway_install_inittab': No such file or directory
AMA0 interface reconfigured, please restart Raspberry

Install the software using the instructions

	sudo -s
	wget -q -O - | sudo bash
	# Answer questions during install
	# disable z-way server
	sudo service z-way-server stop
	sudo update-rc.d z-way-server disable
	## reboot
	shutdown -r 0 now

Now when starting openhab the communication with the razberry z-wave card is working properly

2016-09-16 10:32:46.213 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2016-09-16 10:32:46.215 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2016-09-16 10:32:46.223 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Starting ZWave thread: Send
2016-09-16 10:32:46.238 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave thread: Input
2016-09-16 10:32:46.252 [DEBUG] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - Activating ZWave discovery service for zwave:serial_zstick:1573262d7b3
2016-09-16 10:32:46.260 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryService}={, service.bundleid=191, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2016-09-16 10:32:49.218 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveController$InitializeDelayTask] - Initialising network
2016-09-16 10:32:49.248 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 0
2016-09-16 10:32:49.249 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 0. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:32:49.252 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:32:49.254 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 1. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:32:49.256 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2016-09-16 10:32:49.262 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 2. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:32:49.270 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2016-09-16 10:32:49.278 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Receive Message = 01 10 01 15 5A 2D 57 61 76 65 20 33 2E 39 39 00 01 95 

And finally successfully included the z-way sensors! To get the open/close door detection working for the ZW089-C the suggested property 121: Configuration Value 4(LSB) SENSOR BINARY had to be changed to enable SENSORY BINARY

Thanks for you support ! :smiley:

Here’s a report of a similar problem on Smart Things. I’m still running the zwave 1.8 binding and can’t get my battery levels to report.

Number FrontDoorBattery “Front Door Battery [%d %%]” {zwave=“53:command=BATTERY”}

Any chance this post could help us?

Hi there iam new to Openhab2 and also experiencing the same issues. The ZW089 sensors that i have are not working on Openhab. They can bind i see they get updated when i push the button on them. Buti do not receive any updates from them. I had them previously on Smartthings and there they worked perfectly.

This is the logging i received:

2018-04-05 12:50:40.809 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline

2018-04-05 12:50:40.818 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline to ONLINE

2018-04-05 12:50:40.842 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 12:51:19.720 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - NODE 13: setupNetworkKey useSchemeZero=false

2018-04-05 12:51:19.807 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE to ONLINE: Node initialising: DETAILS

2018-04-05 12:51:19.819 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: DETAILS to ONLINE: Node initialising: INCLUSION_START

2018-04-05 12:51:19.831 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: INCLUSION_START to ONLINE: Node initialising: IDENTIFY_NODE

2018-04-05 12:51:19.839 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: IDENTIFY_NODE to ONLINE: Node initialising: MANUFACTURER

2018-04-05 12:51:19.884 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: MANUFACTURER to ONLINE: Node initialising: SECURITY_REPORT

2018-04-05 12:51:19.892 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: SECURITY_REPORT to ONLINE: Node initialising: APP_VERSION

2018-04-05 12:51:19.976 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: APP_VERSION to ONLINE: Node initialising: DISCOVERY_COMPLETE

2018-04-05 12:51:19.983 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: DISCOVERY_COMPLETE to ONLINE: Node initialising: VERSION

2018-04-05 12:51:20.294 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: VERSION to ONLINE: Node initialising: ENDPOINTS

2018-04-05 12:51:20.297 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: ENDPOINTS to ONLINE: Node initialising: UPDATE_DATABASE

2018-04-05 12:51:20.302 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: UPDATE_DATABASE to ONLINE: Node initialising: STATIC_VALUES

2018-04-05 12:51:20.362 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: STATIC_VALUES to ONLINE: Node initialising: ASSOCIATIONS

2018-04-05 12:51:20.713 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - NODE 13: setupNetworkKey useSchemeZero=false

2018-04-05 12:51:33.947 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: ASSOCIATIONS to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Node is not communicating with controller

2018-04-05 12:51:43.533 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Node is not communicating with controller to ONLINE

2018-04-05 12:51:43.551 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 12:51:43.562 [WARN ] [l.serialmessage.SendDataMessageClass] - NODE 13: Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring.

2018-04-05 12:53:18.587 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 12:59:53.655 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:00:21.796 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ changed from ONLINE to ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_WAKEUP

2018-04-05 13:00:21.830 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:01:42.904 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:01:42.916 [WARN ] [l.serialmessage.SendDataMessageClass] - NODE 13: Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring.

2018-04-05 13:01:55.884 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:01:55.893 [WARN ] [l.serialmessage.SendDataMessageClass] - NODE 13: Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring.

2018-04-05 13:03:37.623 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:04:20.607 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13’ has been updated.

2018-04-05 13:04:20.629 [WARN ] [l.serialmessage.SendDataMessageClass] - NODE 13: Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring.

i hope someone can help me with this. All other Zwave devices are working ok.

Also when i try to set the association i get the following error:

[ERROR] [st.core.internal.thing.ThingResource] - Exception during HTTP PUT request for update config at ‘things/zwave:device:f6fa1379:node13/config’