Cannot get Openhab to populate the Items table

Have been trying to get the persistence service working. In short I do get openHAB to connect to the mySQL db, creating the items table, but that is it.

I have tried a number of verions of mysql.persist (originslly openhab.perist, but I read in one of the posts rename it to mysql. On mySQL server the schema name I used is openhab.

Currently my mysql.persist file looks like this.

#Strategies {
# default = everyChange
#Items {
# * : strategy = default, restoreOnStartup

Strategies {
_ everyMinute : “0 * * * * ?”_
_ default = everyChange_
_ }_

Items {
_ Multisensor_Temperature : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute_
_ Multisensor_Motion : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute_
_ Door_Brown_Contact : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute_
_ * : strategy = default, everyMinute, restoreOnStartup_

and my items file looks like this:

Group All
Group Battery (All)

Number Multisensor_Temperature “Temperature [%.1f C]” { zwave=“6:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL,sensor_type=1” }
Number Multisensor_Illuminance “Illuminance [%.0f Lux]” (Door) { zwave=“6:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL,sensor_type=3” }
Contact Multisensor_Motion “Motion [MAP(]” <wifi_logo> (Door) { zwave=“6:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=12,respond_to_basic=true” }
Contact Multisensor_Contact “Contact [MAP(]” (Door) { zwave=“6:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=10,respond_to_basic=true” }
Number Multisensor_Battery “Bateria Multisensor Taras [%s %%]” (Door, Battery) { zwave=“6:command=BATTERY” }
Contact Multisensor_Tamper “Multisensor Tamper [%s]” (Door) { zwave=“6:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=12,respond_to_basic=true” }
Switch Arming_Switch “Armed [%s]”
Contact Door_Brown_Contact “Contact [MAP(]” (Door) { zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=10,respond_to_basic=true” }
Number Door_Brown_Battery “Bateria Drzwi Wejsciowe [%s %%]” (Door, Battery) { zwave=“3:command=BATTERY” }
Contact Door_Brown_Sensor_Tamper “Front Door Sensor Tamper [%s]” (Door) { zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=12,respond_to_basic=true” }
Contact Drzwi_Taras_Contact “Contact [MAP(]” (Door) { zwave=“7:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=10,respond_to_basic=true” }
Number Drzwi_Taras_Battery “Bateria Taras [%s %%]” (Door, Battery) { zwave=“7:command=BATTERY” }
Contact Drzwi_Taras_Tamper “Multisensor Tamper [%s]” (Door) { zwave=“7:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=12,respond_to_basic=true” }

My config file:
############################ SQL Persistence Service ##################################
# the database url like ‘jdbc:mysql://:/’ (without quotes)

mysql:password=veryimportant password.

# the database user

# the database password

# the reconnection counter

# the connection timeout (in seconds)
#tried without the line above, too

The bindings I used are org.openhab.persistence.mysql-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT, as well as the 1.7 one.
I cannot find anything obvious in the logs, except for the “Note] Aborted connection 6 to db: ‘openhab’ user: ‘root’ host: ‘localhost’ (Got an error reading communication packets)” entry sometimes in the mysql error log.

Sometimes I also ger the “Unable to find table for query” message, but as I mentioned I do get the Items table created by openHAB. Running out of clues. Any ideas are welcome.

I run both the openHab and MySQL server on one PC running Windows 7.

Are all the “_” actually in your mysql.persist file or just an artifact from copy and paste or something like that.

If they are in your file, then that makes your file syntactically incorrect. Review the Persistence wiki page for the proper syntax.

No, these are just artifacts, the original files do not have these.