Hi chris and xsnrg,
Should I run xsnrg’s script first and copy my original userdata/, conf/ to the new locations generated by xsnrg.script?
Thank you very much.
Hi chris and xsnrg,
Should I run xsnrg’s script first and copy my original userdata/, conf/ to the new locations generated by xsnrg.script?
Thank you very much.
[follow up]
1 build version #444
2 add “org.eclipse.smarthome.links:autoLinks=false” into runtime/etc/services.cfg. But still when I do binding scan, auto items will be created and linked to thing channel.
The autoLinks has no effect here.
Can some expert shed some light for this autoLinks=false no effect problem?
3 However, by habmin, I can link channel to existing item for my pre-defined sitemap item, and afterwards I can control device by UI.
4 I do can modify the auto created item, but no the name, e.g., label can be changed and saved.
Thank you.
I suggest to use HABmin to do it as mentioned earlier. In HABmin, go to the Services menu and you should find it there…
Auto created channels can not be modified.
Hi chris, thank you for your response.
But I can not find services menu in Habmin.
188 | Active | 80 | | HABmin User Interface
Should I update my Habmin version or it is already the latest version?
Thank you very much.
$ cat sitemaps/demo2.sitemap
sitemap demo2 label=“demo2”
Frame {
Switch item=S20
Switch item=zwave_device_153bea5a84f_node15_switch_binary
I do define item in sitemap, not sure have made some mistake here.
Thank you.
Strange - I just tested it here, and I get the error that the item is not managed, which is what I would expect.[quote=“laohixdxm2016, post:26, topic:13010”]
As the is Power item is not defined in my sitemap. I call it auto created items.
Items are not defined in sitemaps, so I’m not sure what you mean really.
1 As soon as I update Habmin version, the behaviour is consisten to what you have described.
2 And also there is services menu under configurations.
3 However, although system and UI is there, when I click them, no response.
Do anybody have some idea about this problem?
Thank you very much.
Yep - this is a bug in HABmin introduced recently when I upgraded some libraries. I’ll fix it in tonights snapshot hopefully.
Chris, thank you very much for letting me know.
I face some challenge on Habmin while do update OH2 by xsnrg’s script. I post the the question on that thread, and the link above.
Do you some idea of this problem?
Thank you.
Never mind. it works by manual copying. Thank you.
I made some comments in the other thread that may be helpful.
Thank you very much, xsnrg, both for your detailed description in that thread and this reminder.
They are all very good information related to Habmin setting. I really appreciate that.
Definitely I will try the addons.cfg configuration approach.