Chromecast binding play m3u playlist file


For a while now I’ve been attempting to send an M3U playlist file to a chromecast but am not having any luck. I found an old thread that wandered a bit but did discuss this issue with no success.

Following the Chromecast Binding documentation, I was hoping that the method documented in the Rule Action section would work, but still no luck. This method does work to play MP4 video or MP3 audio files (as does sending those files to the device using the “playuri” item channel), but using castActions method with or without the mimeType(‘audio/x-mpegURL’) parameter it doesn’t work if I send an M3U file. Has anyone ever gotten it to work to play an M3U playlist? Is this expected to work or is there any effort toward attempting to make it work?

Note that in my case I am hosting all my music files locally, so the M3U file has local http URL’s for each track in it.


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