(Markus Storm)
December 18, 2018, 10:22am
Pls also read my response in that thread
Yes thanks for sharing. Always good to hear about working solutions.
Reminding you and readers, though, that taking a backup that way will require you to take down your openHAB server.
You might not be aware but Amanda can backup and restore partitions as well (in addition to doing selective directory/file-level backups), and it can do that while your server and openHAB remain alive. Another advantage is its builtin versioning.
I attached a card writer, too, so just like you, I create BACKUP …
Here’s a link how I reduced my SD footprint, but don’t do that with your active card, only with the backup one.
You can also use Amanda to create and restore an image and then use pishrink before you use dd to write it to the new SD card. Works on the go, i.e. no need to shutdown OH meanwhile.
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