[co7io] BACnet v2 binding for openHAB 2.x

The 2.5.1 version of binding have old MSTP handling logic which was updated in 3.x line to rely on OH serial port API. The jssc part come from bacnet4j library examples which were initially adopted. To be fair 2.5.x version of binding did not receive any updates since almost 3 years. is it your production system right now?

2.5.12 is the version of openhab I use now in my house. I’m not planning to use bacnet in my current house, I just want to test it now. Is it possible to run bacnet binding 2.5.x or is it broken and would require some programming to fix it ? Maybe I need to install something manually ? If it is not possible I could try to launch new instance of OH ver 3.x.

I can try to backport mstp changes and align it with eclipse smarthome serial port api. Still it will not be in parity with rest of the binding.

I want to test how bacnet binding is working in real life, so using “some kind of monster” for that is not a good test :slight_smile: I think I will postpone my tests until I update my house to OH 3.x which I plan to do (maybe event this year :smiley: )

So it did not took me whole year to update OH to v3 :slight_smile: just did it yesterday and today I tried to install bacnet bindig. As I understand I need to build it myself cause I didn’t found compiled latest version. So I used branch 3.3.x from GitHub - ConnectorIO/connectorio-addons: Dedicated repository for openHAB software extensions maintained by ConnectorIO., 1.3.x from GitHub - Code-House/bacnet4j-wrapper: Simple facade for bacnet4j api. and master from GitHub - ConnectorIO/plc4x-extras: Additional components, extensions and apis built around Apache PLC4X..
I needed to do such changes to connectorio-addons to make it compile:

diff --git a/bundles/org.connectorio.logtail.web/pom.xml b/bundles/org.connectorio.logtail.web/pom.xml
index 3ba2da3..e377271 100644
--- a/bundles/org.connectorio.logtail.web/pom.xml
+++ b/bundles/org.connectorio.logtail.web/pom.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-    <version>3.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>3.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>

With this change everything compiled. But unfortunately the binding does not work at all :frowning: It just makes OH restart with totally no error messages in openhab.log.
So first question, I use latest OH v3.4.2, does bacnet work with this version ??

Hey Marek,
There are few commits related to software watchdog which are making trouble. I’ll send you build.


Coming back to this fairly old topic with an inquiry to all interested parties. There was some work related to watchdog updates which affected bacnet binding. Since I’ve ran into some troubles with OH 4 updates, and I have to prioritize work somehow, I would like you to register ticket “Support bacnet for openHAB X”. Other people can vote tickets up in github: Issues · ConnectorIO/connectorio-addons · GitHub.

For X pick openHAB version (3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x) of your interest.

I’ve uploaded an updated documentation for binding:
BACnet :: ConnectorIOÂź Documentation - you can find there an update thing definition. :wink: