Color a custom image

Hi there,
is there a possibility to set the color of an .png or svg image with the yaml code?
I have picture like this
And I want to set a color to red or green.
Do I have to create different files for that or can I do it with code?
I have used a oh-image component to integrate it to my widget

If the image is a png then the answer is no. That’s a bitmapped image and the pixel values are set.

For an svg, the answer is much more complicated. If the svg image has been defined correctly then it is possible to use css to change the colors within the svg. Even if you get an svg with the correct formatting, there is nothing built in to the widget yaml to handle this however, so you would have to work out most of the mechanics using the stylesheet properties.

It is almost certainly just easier to produce a series of the images you want in different colors and call them as you need different colors.

thanks for this good explanation. I think I will go with several files :slight_smile:

There are some CSS tricks to do it; for instance:

in your case apply filter: brightness(50%) sepia(100) saturate(100) hue-rotate(25deg) to your image’s styles:

But it’s very clumsy and you might be better off sticking with Justin’s recommendation.

Maybe another quick question: I try to put an oh-image over an oh-link (more important over a F7 icon, but it doesn’t come to the front. Maybe you can see on this example that I haven’t understood this yaml thing completely :slight_smile:
Can I add some z value or do I have to put it in another container? I thought that the order in the code has an impact on the order of the actual plot

- component: f7-block
          position: absolute
          bottom: -35px
          left: 10px
          flex-direction: row
          - component: Label
              text: "=(items[props.item].state !== '0' ) ? items[props.item].state + '% geschlossen' : 'offen'"
                font-size: 12px
                margin-left: 0px
                margin-top: 0px
    - component: oh-link
        iconColor: black
        iconF7: square
        iconSize: 32
        iconBadge: "=props.value1 ? props.value1 : ''"
        action: command
        actionItem: =props.item
        actionCommand: "=props.value1 ? props.value1 : ''"
          position: absolute
          top: 10px
          right: 20px
          height: 33px
          background: transparent
    - component: oh-link
        iconColor: gray
        iconF7: square_fill
        iconSize: 32
        iconBadge: "=props.value2 ? props.value2 : ''"
        action: command
        actionItem: =props.item
        actionCommand: "=props.value2 ? props.value2 : ''"
          position: absolute
          top: 44px
          right: 20px
          height: 33px
          background: transparent
    - component: oh-image
        url: ='/static/icons/fts_shutter_5.png'
          position: absolute
          top: 44px
          right: 20px
          height: 33px

There is a z-index property in CSS:

But YMMV as it’s still somewhat influenced by the container.