Color for custom icon in oh-icon

I’m using a combination of oh-link and oh-icon for buttons with custom icons. However, I’m facing the problem that I can’t adjust the color of custom icons. That seems to work only with f7, material, or iconify icons. Is there really no way to adjust the color? Both iconfy and custom icons should be plain SVG,
Of course I could also try to find icons in iconify. But right now I would need some icons from openhab and some from iconify.

Any suggestion welcome.

With oh:icons, no, there is no way to change the color except to render them in different colors to different files and use the naming convention to tell OH which one to choose. Items | openHAB

oh Icons can be PNG.

Thanks. Makes sense. I had not thought about the PNGs.
Will than need to look for iconify icons.