I know you’re just upgrading so you’d probably prefer to keep changes to a minimum. However, openHAB 4 brings modern automation languages such as JS Scripting and JRuby that you should check out because it offers many advantages over RulesDSL.
Here’s three versions of your rule implemented in JRuby. The second one uses the sun elevation from the astro binding which is my preferred method of tracking sunrise/sunset.
Note that JRuby has handy built in timers, in this case, implicitly created by the for: 15.minutes
argument. It saves you from having to manually create a timer and keeping track of it yourself. It will auto reset the timer should the garden door closed and reopened before the timer had expired. There are other handy little things that help you deal with timers and other things more easily.
rule "Garden Gate" do
changed os_garden_door, to: ON
run do
if Time.now.between?(astro_dusk_start.state, astro_dawn_end.state)
Outside_walk_lamps.ensure.on, for: 15.minutes
# Option 2, use the between guard
rule "Garden Gate" do
changed os_garden_door, to: ON
between astro_dusk_start.state..astro_dawn_end.state
run do
Outside_walk_lamps.ensure.on, for: 15.minutes
# Alternative implementation
rule "Garden Gate" do
changed os_garden_door, to: ON
run do
if things["astro:sun:home"].get_elevation(nil).negative?
Outside_walk_lamps.ensure.on, for: 15.minutes
# Using only_if guard
rule "Garden Gate" do
changed os_garden_door, to: ON
only_if { things["astro:sun:home"].get_elevation(nil).negative? }
run do
Outside_walk_lamps.ensure.on, for: 15.minutes