Configuration of blinds to openhab

i really don’t know , i’m about to get disappointed :sob:

Use the mqtt broker to publish a value to the topic, let’s say 80. Then check if your slider is updated to 80.

Yes saw this aswell you can do it 2 ways

File 1

Bridge mqtt:broker:myMQTTBroker [ host ="", secure =false clientID ="myMQTTClient" ]
    Thing topic fan1 "Dining FAN" [ availabilityTopic="IFANdining/tele/LWT", payloadAvailable="Online", payloadNotAvailable="Offline"] {
        Type switch : Power1   "Dining Light "  [ stateTopic = "IFANdining/stat/POWER", commandTopic = "IFANdining/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
        Type dimmer : fanspeed "Fan Speed"      [ stateTopic = "IFANdining/stat/FANSPEED", transformationPattern = "JSONPATH:$.FanSpeed", commandTopic ="IFANdining/cmnd/FANSPEED", 0="OFF", 1="LOW", 2="MED", 3="HIGH", 2=100  ]
        Type switch : reachable "Reachable"     [ stateTopic = "IFANdining/tele/LWT",	on="Online",	off="Offline" ]
    Thing topic fan2 "Anabel FAN" [ availabilityTopic="AIFAN/tele/LWT", payloadAvailable="Online", payloadNotAvailable="Offline"] {
        Type switch : Power1   "Anabel Light "  [ stateTopic ="AIFAN/stat/POWER", commandTopic ="AIFAN/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
        Type dimmer : fanspeed "Anabel Fan"     [ stateTopic ="AIFAN/stat/FANSPEED", transformationPattern ="JSONPATH:$.FanSpeed", commandTopic ="AIFAN/cmnd/FANSPEED", 0="OFF", 1="LOW", 2="MED", 3="HIGH", 2=100  ]

Second file using the same Bridge Connection

Thing mqtt:topic:sensors "My Sensors Mqtt" (mqtt:broker:myMQTTBroker) @ "Outside"{
      Type number : SensorONE  "Sensor 1" [ commandTopic="Sensor/Topic" ]


Yep, one bridge per things file.

Without knowing what software you have flashed it can be difficult to guess

Can you please share how you 8266 requires the Data to be formatted?

Your predicted to become is part of the autoupdate (guess) feature of openhab you may need to disable it.

To get the most reliable system in MQTT you need a command topic and a state topic.

The command is when something is trying to control the roller shutter and the state is when the roller shutter has received the command and has changed.

First I would confirm you can get the roller shutter to operate correctly and you know how it operates and can see the state topic in mqtt.

Then I would try and command the shutter with a mqtt client, I use MQTT explorer.

After you can command there then I would start looking into the openhab integration.

i have tried to remove all the configuration and reconfigure it again .
it finally worked . :star_struck:
those are the new configuration files :
things file :
//This is the Things
Bridge mqtt:broker:MosquittoMqttBroker “Mosquitto MQTT Broker” [host=“”, secure=false]
// Switch Mohamed Light
Thing mqtt:topic:sonoffbasicmo “sonoffbasicmo” {
Type switch : switch “Power Switch” [
Type string : reachable “Reachable” [
stateTopic = “tele/sonoffbasicmo/LWT”
// fire sensor
Thing mqtt:topic:mofiresensor “mofiresensor” {
Type string : string “string1” [



   // blinds system
   Thing mqtt:topic:Mblinds "Mblinds" {
                   Type number : number "number1" [



items file :

//blinds system

Number Mblinds “Mblinds [%s]” { channel=“mqtt:topic:Mblinds:number” }

sitemaps file :
Frame label=“blinds system”
Switch item=Mblinds mappings=[0=“open”,56=“half”,100=“close”]
Slider item=Mblinds

i’m really really grateful for all of you guys . thanks very much for your help .