We don’t know what any of your Items represent. If you expect the rule to do something when you send a command, you would need to change the rule trigger. If you want help, we’ll need more than “doesn’t work”. You can find out if the rule runs at all, for example, or just doesn’t do what you expected. Making log messages from your rule are really helpful to see progress and internal values. You’ve done that but not told us the results - “no results” tells us something too. Looking in your openhab.log
for messages, and your events.log
to see what is done, might help.
I don’t use javascript rules, but you should be able to see the idea here
You must do the “un-pushing” of your simulated pushbutton too. You might do that with a timer from rule, or by Item ‘expire’ property, or like I show there, by a rule that sees when the light status changes and “stops pushing the button”.