Configure OH for heating control.(need help)

Good morning:
I am currently using the cayenne platform, but I have problems with frequent disconnections with the server.
I need help to install heating control system at home with OH.
I have the following hardware:
2 raspberry pi zero w
1 temperature probe ds18b20
2 relay modules of 2 relays.
1.- A raspberry pi zero w together with the ds18b20 probe use it as a thermostat placed in the room.
2.- The second raspberry together with the 2 relay modules to activate / deactivate the heating.
Operating mode:
1.- In the morning: if the temperature of the room is lower than 16.5 degrees, activate the heating and deactivate it if it exceeds 17.5 degrees. And this within a schedule between 10 in the morning and 16 in the afternoon.
2.- In the afternoon: if the temperature of the room is lower than 18.5 degrees, activate the heating and deactivate it if it exceeds 21 degrees. And this within a schedule between 4 pm and 10:30 pm at night.
Thank you very much in advance.

Using a RaspiZeroW as a thermostat is overkill.
Use a devboard ESP like the wemos mini and upload tasmota on it

Install openhabian and mosquitto on the Rasperry pi

Install the mqtt binding and the GPIO binding on openHAB

Set up one item to receive the temp from the wemos
and 2 items to trigger your relays
And one rule to Trigger the relays when the temperature changes

Good luck

Thanks, but I have 2 pi0W…

Then you need to set up 1 piow with your ds18b20

and publish the values over mqtt with python

but I have problems to start the pi0w via wifi, I configure openhabian.conf

I put both modes and I can not get the pi0w to start…

Start over
Format your sd card and burn the latest pi image

Thanks :wink: and sorry for :hourglass_flowing_sand: