The 32-bit version of the JVM is recommended on ARM platforms such as the Raspberry Pi. The 32-bit JVM performs better on the ARM platform. Some add-ons use libraries that do not work with a 64-bit JVM on ARM.
With the upcoming openHAB 5 release, we …as openHAB 5 will require a 64 bit processor.
I have reasons to not use openHabian - so I’ll install openHab on a rapsbeery Pi 4 with 64 bit OS.
If I install Azul Zulu 21 - I get the 64bit version - the same for Zulu 17.
Is there a zulu21 32bit version which I can install on bookworm?
And if so - where to get it and how do I install it?
I checked the openHabian setup files - from my perspective it looks as there are also 64 bit JVMs installed.
My understanding is Azul no longer provides 32-bit ARM packages for either Java 17 or Java 21.
If you want Azul Zulu 32-bit you’ll have to compile it yourself and hope it’s straight forward.
Other providers of OpenJava might provide a 32-bit package. But given OH 5 will only work on 64-bit I’m not sure how much effort is worth putting into this.
This is true for RAM usage but in general the differences in other metrics are not very pronounced. And in some cases 64-bit performance better.
We think this was the case at one point but we do not actually know of any binding that is part of OH today where this is still true. But we do not know it’s not true either. If you are not using obscure add-ons fee people use, you can rest assured there are many out there currently running them successfully in 64-bit.