Contact Sensor not fully discovered (ZD2102BR)

I recently got a new ZD2102BR (i know its old but got for free from a friend not using it). Though it didn’t have a manual basic google I found the documentation and tried to add it to openhab but the sensor is not getting fully recognized.

  1. Put the Zwave controller in inclusion mode
  2. Put sensor in inclusion mode - controller detected and sensor added to controller
  3. Once adding the new sensor in openhab thing, the sensor is never fully discovered

Thing Type: Unknown Device

Rest of the properties

zwave_class_basic: BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_neighbours: 1,2
zwave_frequent: false
zwave_lastwakeup: 2021-11-25T21:48:30Z
zwave_version: 4.1
zwave_listening: false
zwave_deviceid: 259
zwave_nodeid: 12
zwave_lastheal: 2021-11-25T16:01:19Z
zwave_routing: true
zwave_beaming: true
zwave_secure: false
zwave_manufacturer: 265
zwave_devicetype: 8193

As per the manual to put the sensor in awake more removed the back cover and let it be in awake mode for 24+ hours, in normal mode (closed back cover) for 24+ hours still the sensor is not fully recognized.

Every time the i open and close the back cover the ‘zwave_lastwakeup’ gets updated this is the only sign some form of communication is happening between sensor and controller.

Any suggestions on how to get the sensor fully recognized ? Appreciate the help

Your device identifies itself as: 0109:2001:0103

Devices supported according to the Z-Wave database:

  • ZD2102: 2001:0101,2001:0102
  • ZD2102-5: 2001:0105,2001:0106

It might be as easy as adding 2001:0103 to the ZD2102 or the ZD2102-5 in the Z-Wave database … You would have to check the manuals to find out if there are functional differences.between the devices. If your device is functionally equivalent to ZD2102 or ZD2102-5, add 2001:0103 to the ‘References’ field, otherwise you would have to create a new device in the database.


Thanks i will read through the Guide.

My rough guess ZD2102 or the ZD2102-5 is same as ZD2102BR with BR specific to regions using the 921.4 MHz for Z-wave.

Hi I have updated the DB entry for ZD102, and the review has been accepted, what is the next step to import the updated DB


So it should be supported by the latest snapshot available from openHAB-ZWave [Jenkins]

The following steps should work for openHAB >= 3.1.

In the Karaf console:

bunde:list | grep ave
bundle:update <number in first column from the output of the previous command>