Control HmIP rollershutter slats / blades using groups in rules

I suppose your post is just the perfect answer. It helped me a lot and ofc it fixed my problem.

I decided for your pimped state machine approach which looks smart and most important: I understand what it does (your comments helped there). Even if I suppose it is very basic, I wouldn’t have figured out lines like if(nLevel == 100) nLevel = 99 by myself.

After some minor adjustments, this is the final result:

var int iStep = 0
var Timer tSlats = null
var Number nLevel = 0

rule "Control slat positions"

    Item Lamellen changed												// better use "received command" or "changed" than "received update"
    if(tSlats !== null) return;											// timer already scheduled, so stop rule
    if(!(Lamellen.state instanceof Number)) return;						// illegal state, so stop rule

    nLevel = Lamellen.state as Number									// save position
    if(nLevel == 100) nLevel = 99
    iStep = 0

    tSlats = createTimer(now.plusMillis(10)) [							// parameter is integer! 
        iStep ++														// short for "iStep = iStep + 1"
        switch iStep {
            case 1: {
                tSlats.reschedule(now.plusMillis(3500))					// reschedule next step
            case 2: {
                tSlats.reschedule(now.plusMillis(3500))					// reschedule next step
            default: {
                tSlats = null											// delete pointer to timer

For the second part of your post I now found an even better suiting astro channel in the docs to trigger my rule, which is NauticDusk_Start. Means no need for an additional timer (or setting an offset) anymore.
The zeit_rolladen control is currently “under construction” which is why I skipped this part for the moment. Will surely later come back to your advises and extend my current rule, which is quite handy:

rule "Close all living area shutters at NauticDusk_Start"
    Channel "astro:sun:local:nauticDusk#event" triggered START	// can be tested with a cron trigger á la Time cron "0 45 14 ? * * *"
	gRolladen_Gesamt.members.filter[ r | r.state < 100 ].forEach[ r, i | createTimer(now.plusMillis(100*i), [ | r.sendCommand(0) ])]
	logInfo("shutter", "Rule 'Close all living area shutters at NauticDusk_Start' successfully executed.")
	sendTelegram("linus" , "Beginn der nautischen Abenddämmerung, alle Rollläden wurden geschlossen.")

Thank you again for your time and suggestions! :raised_hands:t2: :+1:t2:
Marked your post as solution.