Convert a variable that contains a value (seconds) to HH:MM:SS


Does some now how to convert a variable that contains a unit (seconds) to a formatted string (hh:mm:ss)


You could do this in a rule using the SimpleDateFormat class. If you know how to use Java classes/methods in rules already then this should be pretty easy, if not Iā€™ll try and come back with an example rule later.


I dont have experiencw with that
Do you have any code to share?


What is your seconds variable counting from? Does it represent a time such that once I convert it to HH:MM:SS is represents a time of day, or is it just measuring the amount of time since some arbitrary starting point (e.g. when something was switched on)?

If it represents a time of day then @danielwalters86ā€™s suggestion of SimpleDateFormat is the way to go.

If it is the amount of time since some starting point you can do it with some simple math:

val totalMinutes = seconds/60
val remainderSecs = seconds%60
val totalHours = totalMinutes/60
val remainderMins = totalMinutes%60

val formattedTime = totalHours + ":" + remainderMins + ":" remainderSecs


I tried the config and I have a problem. It seems not to like the %60
Do I need to import specific java library?
The counter is a number that represents a value (seconds minus thread sleep)


% is the modulo operator and is standard java/xtend.
What error do you get?

Maybe put in a space. Perhaps it is trying to treat it as an escaped character as opposed to the modulo operator. According to the Xtend documentation ā€˜%ā€™ is the right symbol for mod (i.e. remainder).

It also might not like that we are not explicit about type and BigDecimal doesnā€™t like mod math. If the space doesnā€™t work try:

val int totalMinutes = seconds/60
val int remainderSecs = seconds%60
val int totalHours = totalMinutes/60
val int remainderMins = totalMinutes%60

val String formattedTime = totalHours + ":" + remainderMins + ":" remainderSecs

Struggling to tell the difference between this latest version and your previous. However there is a concat sign missing before remainderSecs in the last line.

Compare the second word of each line. Iā€™ve added the type to all the vals.

You are correct, there is a missing ā€œ+ā€ on the last line.


We are progressingā€¦Here is the code and If I declare a value for
seconds, it worksā€¦:slight_smile:
The problems is how to declare the val seconds with the value of the
counter that is in countdown.

  while(Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant >= 0) {
       //val int seconds = Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant
       val seconds = 3600
       val int totalMinutes = seconds/60
       val int remainderSecs = seconds%60
       val int totalHours = totalMinutes/60
       val int remainderMins = totalMinutes%60
       val formattedTime = String::format("%02d", totalHours) + ":" +

String::format("%02d", remainderMins) + ā€œ:ā€ + String::format("%02d",

//Temps_Interrupteur1_ext_avant.postUpdate(Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant +
" sec")

Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant = Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant - 1


To get the value of an Item you use .state. Assuming your countdown Item is called Countdown and it is a Number Item it would be

val int seconds = (Countdown.state as DecimalType).intValue
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I use a variable that is declared globally:
var Number Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant

Is it the same way to handle that?



I tried :
val int seconds = (Timer_Interrupteur1_ext_avant).intValue

and it works

Thanks for your help