Convert Wh to kWh (divide by 1000)

Leave that off. We are overriding it anyway so eliminate that as a potential source of confusion.

Partially because the specific syntax will be slightly different from one binding to the next. Some use “JS|blah blah blah”, others use “JS: blah blah blah” and so on.

Pay close attention to Pali’s post 9 above. Are you running a recent SNAPSHOT? If not this feature of the transform doesn’t exist in your version of OH.

I think you mean instead JS:| blah blah vs older JS(| blah blah)?

Modbus binding for example used to support only latter (older) syntax for transformations, but now supports both. But I do expect that pipe | needs to be there for JS transformation to understand that user is specifying inline transformation instead of filename. Bindings are merely responsible of parsing the transformation to use (JS) and parameter to send to the transformation. Some bindings also support “chaining” of transformations.

Oh, now I see the problem. I am running openHAB 3.2.0.M4 Milestone Build and definately older than a few days.

However the documentations is for “latest (3.2.0)”, so I thought 3.2.0.xx should work.

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Latest follows the SNAPSHOTS. The docs are only baselined and frozen for a full release. So right now we have 3.1 release and 3.2 SNAPSHOTs in the docs.

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I understand (now).

Eventhough I would still argue that 3.2.0.M4 > 3.0.2. But I guess thats a moot point now.

EDIT: Sorry, of course I meant:
Eventhough I would still argue that 3.2.0.M4 > 3.2.0 But I guess thats a moot point now.

Yes but 3.2 hasn’t been released. It’s still in progress. Therefore the 3.2 docs are still in work. Therefore they follow the SNAPSHOTS.

3.0.2 is released. The docs are unchanging.