Creating a new Thing in own developed binding works, but after restart of the Thing is missing the ThingHandler

i’ve developed an own binding for OH 4.3.0 SNAPSHOT following the Eclipse IDE Setup and Develop a NEW binding. When I start the the binding is there and I can create a new Thing, which is working as expected.
But when I stop the and start it again, I get a HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR and the Thing is in state NOT_YET_READY.
I can still create a new Thing, which is then working, but every time I restart the, the already created ones are not working. This also happens for Things of other bindings like the SystemInfo binding.
Any idea what I’m missing?

When I add my binding to my real OH installation via drop to the addon folder it’s completly working. Also after re-dropping a new version the already created Things are working.


I noticed also this problem yesterday. Strange, it was of course working in the past.

Yes, strange. The Thing remains in the Map missingPrerequisites of the ThingManagerImpl. But for what reason ever, the method checkMissingPrerequisites of the ThingManagerImpl is not called even once!

It could be that I also encountered this, related to a binding PR on which I am working. In my case, the work around is to run feature:install org-openhab-binding-bindingname from the console command line after each restart.

I hope this is not due to a recent change in core framework.

Hmm. Maybe your own changes concerning addons service and addon info :blush:

I faced the same on my side. It works when you define things in file.

Is it maybe related Thing manager logic causes things to stuck in NOT_YET_READY · Issue #3823 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub?

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After executing bundle:restart 200 (200 - openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Items Runtime), openhab goes into a working state.

Details in the linked issue on github