Custom Theme/Design Questions

I am a newb and am working with a friend who wants to use openhab at his company to build automation for his clients. I am tasked with doing much of the design/development of the interface. He wants his company logo, etc on the interface. He also wants to be able replicate the basic design/interface from one Pi to another. My background is a web developer (Python mainly) /designer.

My questions are:

How can I inject HTML or create a wrapper that I can include company logo, etc? I’ve played with sitemaps. Is this the best way? I’d like to use HabPanel, but can’t figure out where to start with customizing it.

Can these customizations be built on the file system for easy cloning from a repo to the new machine?

Thank you in advance!

Take a look at HABPanel, an angularJS-based UI for OpenHAB

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