Daikin Onecta (Cloud) Binding [;

Hi @ToWa ,

As var as i know there is no realtime power consumption available. Only power user over the last day, or 2 hour, month

Hi @Alexander_Drent,

Thank you for your prompt reply.
Your development is very useful to me.

Thank you

Best regards

Thanks a lot for this binding, I have been unable now to control my heatpump from Openhab for many months.

I struggled a lot with the setpoint channel seemingly not working, but my error was that I had the item type Number and not Number:Temperature. Changing that made it fly! Not setting the unit gives no error message so it was hard to figure out.

Hi, yesterday the binding stopped working again.
Reboot did not fix the problem.
Daikin Onecta Account Status Offline
I realized that the IOS Daikin App also stopped working, and I had to enter my credentials again.
Had to acknowledge some news T&Cs, now the IOS app works again. But the Binding is still offline.
Anyone else with the same problem?

Hi. Yes, I Have the same problém. Binding don’t working.

Dne 21. listopadu 2024 8:26:07 “T. S. via openHAB Community” bot@community.openhab.org napsal:

Hi @T_S

It was offline for me too, but after following the manual, which can be found at the top of this page, it just started working. Repair the binding https://home.myopenhab.org/onecta

I did have the feeling that a checkbob had been added here

Since the new Authentication Method for the Onecta Binding, it seems that I cannot set demand control values any more. That was my main usage of the Onecta binding, as I use the local API with my Stylish units for the rest.

Does anyone have the same experience? How can I track down this problem?

You can get that with
GitHub - raomin/ESPAltherma: Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32. You can also calculate COP with this interface.
Another option is to add a shelly 3EM

Hi Alexander. Do you expect you wil find time to add the interface to the Hot Water Tank? No pressure. I only like to understand if you still consider to add this. PS I had a few hickups but the interface is reasonable stable. Thanks!

Hello All,

First of all thanks for this binding!

I recently bough an Heat Pump Altherma BRP069A78.
Yesterday, I installed the Daikin Onecta (Cloud) Binding in my Openhab installation (openHAB 4.1.2) and it was working. In the log, I was able to see the update of the items. Today, in the log nothing appears and therefore the items are not updated, but the Things are online.

Do you have any advice on how I could debug it to see what is the issue?

I tried to disable and enable the Things “Daikin Onecta Account”: it does not work anymore.

grant type refresh_token to URL ..... failed with error code invalid_grant, description The provided authorization code or refresh token is invalid

I repeated the procedure described at beginning of this post and it works again.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Daniele,
For me the system stopped about a week ago and can’t get it to work anymore. Can you confirm you use the Redirect URL as shown below “https://home.myopenhab.org/onecta/result

I get the following error after pairing.

Hello HenMus,

yes, I used the same redirect URL of yours. Be aware that I repeated all the operations listed in the installation guide posted at the begining, up to delete and regenerate the application on the Daikin portal.

Thanks. 2 more questions.
On the screen below from the manual there is a option top right to disable it. Do you see that if you connect to your local instance from the cloud? I don’t have that option. Only when I login with my local ip address I see that option

Second question. What username and password do you enter on the screen above. Your local credentials or the cloud credentials (what you are using to login to https://home.myopenhab.org)?

Hi Nils, can you provide the postman collection? I want to test the Daikin API without the binding.

Hi @HenMus,
I see the dissable option when I login as admin. You only dont see this when you are creating a new thing, as far as i know.

for https://home.myopenhab.org I think you have to signin first as new user at openHAB Cloud - Log in

introduction Enable Remote Access to a Local openHAB Instance

This is maybe not the right location but I only use cloud connector for the Onecta binding. Because it is not working anymore I tried many steps and the last one was deleting my account in cloud connector and created a new one. It didn’t make a difference. What I see when I open the Onecta account from the cloud I don’t get the disable option what I should see. What I noticed that in the beginning I see for a short period in the top of my screen

Not readable but it shows the layout with Thing Channels and Code. A bit later I see only the tab with Thing and the other 2 tabs disappeared

I assume this has to do with getting my Onecta ready.
What can I check / is wrong?
When I open another Thing from the list I get the same problem.

Solved by installing 4.3.2

Hi Alex,
Remote access is working again by installing 4.3.2 but I stil can’t connect the Daikin Onecta Account.
Can I do anything to troubleshoot this?