Dashboard UI suitable for tablets

My studying led me to believe I needed to go with Basic UI in order to get all the functionality I wanted. Maybe that’s been my problem! Going back to HABPanel…

Basic UI and HABPanel two are complementary interfaces. Personally, I use Basic UI when on my desktop/laptop (and mobile phone), and use the dashboard solutions for wall tablets. My Basic UI sitemaps have a lot more options/devices exposed (i.e. all my openHAB items and things) as compared to my dashboards, which only show widgets/buttons/images that are relevant to the location that the wall tablet is mounted at.

THERE IT IS! It is labeled “Panel registry JSON”. That is what I needed to get to in order for me to ensure SSE!

Why in the world was that so hard for me to find?!?!?!?

Consider this OP answered. Thank you, smar.

Glad you found what you were looking for!

this graphics drawing pen tablet XP-Pen Deco01 is good, I buy it from https://www.amazon.com/10x6-25-Graphics-Battery-free-shortcut-pressure/dp/B077P6BQP7 . what do you think about it .


i am using a camera V380 ip too under Openhabian and have some difficulties to make it working. Could you help me to ell me how i can choose the correct setting likes ports …

Best wishes