DateTime Conversion (openHAB 2.x)

Today_Epoch is a Number Item?

    val alarm_epoch = new DateTime(Partition1_AlarmMemory.state.toString).millis
    Partition1_AlarmMemory_Epoch.postUpdate(alarm_epoch) // you need to create this Item

What String from what item that already exists?

Yes, I have checked and Today_Epoch is a Number Item - with no dimension
Will try the code snip above as soon as I can get the error cleared from the Midnight_Today piece.

Partition1_AlarmMemory is a a channel from my Caddx binding. When this changes I log the Time to the Partition1_Last_Alarm String item (I think I was unclear in my reply above):

rule "Partition 1 Alarm Timestamp"
    Item Partition1_AlarmMemory changed to ON or
    Item Testing_Switch received command ON
        postUpdate(Partition1_Last_Alarm, new DateTimeType())
        logInfo("", "Partition 1 Alarm Timestamp " + Partition1_Last_Alarm.state )

I will be using the two items Today_Epoch and Partition1_AlarmMemory_Epoch in my visibilty condition.

EDIT: Tested the Partiton1_AlarmMemory_Epoch snippit - works great! Thanks


You don’t need a Rule for this. See the timestamp profiles. Items | openHAB

Note that this should be a DateTime Item, not a String Item.

Great, thank you. Will take a detailed look. At first glance though this would timestamp each change (On and Off). I am only interested in On.

With your help though I now seem to have the two epoch items I need. So will see how far I get from here.

Working with DateTime is clearly way more complex that I expected.

You’re spending a lot of time on rules, but if the above is the purpose … what did you have in mind?
You cannot set set visibility along the lines of “if it is after six pm”.

I have now realized that you cannot compare two items in visibility - which presents a small challenge, but will work though that. Will just use the Epoch value to get an age of the information I want/don’t want to display.
The alarm system I am using sets flags for the zones which generated the last alarm. These do not update until they are cleared by the next alarm event, so once they are a certain age they become irrelevant, so want to hide them from view.

So thinking along the lines of only displaying the relevant groups of zones if the last alarm was within the last 24 hours (maybe allow a variable time period: 1 day, 2 days, 7 days).
That way there is only an option to see recent Zones which caused alarms on a Partition (Area) that has had an alarm in X time.

Hope I have explained clearly enough.

Always open to better more streamlined approaches though. Hoping to post my project to the Caddx Binding section as a sample at some stage when I have completed the basics.
Thanks again.

Think I’d use a dummy Item, maybe a switch. When update comes in, set switch on. Apply expire binding to switch off, if using fixed delay. If you want a variable delay, use a rules based timer. All this is just a variation of motion activated light.
Then sitemap visibility is simply about the switch on or off.

EDIT - following a different track

Alright, so to put it another way, you have captured alarm events in your static Item states. And you’d like them to go away after a time.
This is classic expire binding job, just apply expire to each Item.

Thank you for the great suggestion. That would be exactly what I wanted… Should have found this earlier - but know for future. The “problem” is the more you do, the more you want to try.

In his OH3 announcement, Kai said

The only change you’ll have to look our for in your rules is the fact that rules now use Java Time API instead of Jodatime, so some expressions need to be slightly adapted.

Could anyone explain what that means to the information in this thread ?
What do we need to change in our working rules ?
How much of Joda will there be left to be used in rules ?

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Before we change something.
Would it make sense to copy the content of this thread into a new one called DateTimeConversion (openHAB 3.x)?
I would then rename this original thread to DateTimeConversion (openHAB 2.x).
This would not lose any information for users who do not immediately switch to 3.x.


Yes rename it and open a new 3.X thread and link the two.
But only copy what’s relevant (and confirmed to work) to OH3. As of today that’s not clear at least to me it is not.

I’m particularly worried about replacing now, XXX.withTimeAtStartOfDay, XXX.plusMinutes(n) and so on and I think others will be interested, too.

I’ll have to go through all the cases in the OP. It’s on my list of todos. There shouldn’t be too many changes though. Most of the commonly used stuff is the same between the two.

Potentially nothing. There are a few little cases though where you might run into exceptions. I don’t have a list of all errors I would expect you’ll see at this time though.

None. Joda is totally gone and is completely replaced by native Java time classes. However, now is still there and has the plusSeconds et al functions so it should be mostly transparent for you.

plusMinutes should definitely work without change. I’m not 100% positive about withTimeAtStartOfDay. But


should be the equivalent. Here is the full JavaDoc for the class.

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Thanks Rich.
A silly(?) question: how can I use the future Java code in OH2 today rather than Joda ?


on current OH 2 (but running Java 11) gives me

2020-10-26 17:54:31.530 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'sage für den Rest des Tages erwartete Strommenge voraus': 'withHour' is not a member of 'org.joda.time.DateTime'; line 309, column 9, length 15

I think you need to do the following.

import java.time.ZonedDateTime


    // in a Rule
    val now = ZonedDateTime::now

Note, you can’t use a ZonedDateTime as the time in createTimer in OH 2. You still have to use Joda DateTime for that.

There is an easier way to do this. If you have a ZonedDateTime you can easily update the time using one of the LocalTime constants:

You can already replace Joda-Time in your OH 2.5 rules today with java.time. That’s how I did it and have no issues with time when using the same rules in OH 3.

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Are you sure?

When I add this to a rule:

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

		//val startOfDay = now.withTimeAtStartOfDay
		val startOfDay =

… then it errors in VSCode with Type mismatch: cannot convert from LocalTime to TemporalAdjuster.

It might work better if you also:

import java.time.LocalTime

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I also could not get that one to work either.

Do you rather mean to import java.time ?

And mind we’re in rules DSL so I think I cannot do that’s giving errors.
Need to use ZonedDateTime::now. Same likely for the MIDNIGHT literal but no matter what I try it doesn’t work.

I’m using a rule which i found in the forum with OH 2.5 an Java 11.
It includes the following line:

val long now_epoch = now.toInstant.toEpochMilli

But the lines throwes the following exception:

18:28:45.012 [ERROR] [untime.internal.engine.ExecuteRuleJob] - Error during the execution of rule 'Update Power traffic light': 'toEpochMilli' is not a member of 'org.joda.time.Instant'; line 339, column 24, length 26

Am i missing an import or something else?

For joda time, you will have to use now.millis.
Take a deeper look at the first posting in this thread… (Hint: #7 get Epoch from Joda)

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