Debug Openhabian

How do I see the debug log in openhabian,
In a standard OH2 installation I just type log:tail

I found this folder

But it doesn’t show the log on my rfxcom binding. Can someone tell my how to find this information

You will need to increase the log level for the binding that you need to monitor:
The levels are: <TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL> (from the most to the less verbose)

to set the log level for a binding, use Karaf Console (ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 with password habopen) and then:

log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.rfxcom

Then, either: log:tail in Karaf or tail -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log -f /var/log/openhab2/events.log in a linux shell

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Thanks I’l try…

to set the log level for a binding, use Karaf Console (ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 with password habopen) and then:

is this still valid ? I cannot log in on port 8101 using user=openhab and pw=habopen


are you trying to login from the localhost? (it won’t work from a remote host by default)

No, I‘ve tried to Login from Remote

then read this section: