To set Hours, Minutes and Second from HabPanel

Hi to all
i want to be able of define for my shutter a time to open and an other to close.

i report my situation:

what item do i create to set the time?

i use this code

rule "Scendi"
	//Every weekday at 21:19 hours
	Time cron "0 19 21 ? * MON-FRI *"
	// update item to switch on light here


but i’d like to set the hh:mm directly from th HABPanel.

How can i do?

i want do a thing similar:

rule "Scendi"
var hh = (HH.state).intValue
var mm = (MM.state).intValue
var ss = (SS.state).intValue

	//Every weekday at 21:19 hours
	Time cron "ss mm hh ? * MON-SUN *"
	// update item to switch on light here


and i want to set from habpanel the var hh, mm and ss

I’ve moved this to a different category as it is not a tutorial or solution but a request for help.

You will need to implement this behavior in Rules. Francesco posted two approaches. A more generic approach that can be reused across multiple Rules is documented in Design Pattern: Time Of Day.