Deprecated Binding - Volkswagen We Connect

Hi Jan,
many thanks for that!
I had tried the old version from github. With the 3.1.0 everything works fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

Great work!

I used the PaperUI for setup.

Using the binding I ran into problems. I have a Tiguan on petrol without eSim and an eUp full electrical car with eSim of course. I didn’t get updates on the values (for the eUp). Only after a reboot the values were correct. This wrong behavoiur seems to stop after I made the eUp the favorite car in the portal

In the log files I see two error messages with every refresh:
for the eUp:

2021-01-13 09:41:19.083 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - postJSONVWWeConnectAPI URL: - Choose your market / language Fields: null
2021-01-13 09:41:19.084 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - HTTP POST Request HttpRequest[POST //portal/delegate/dashboard/WVWZZZxxx/-/rts/get-latest-trip-statistics HTTP/1.1]@12b23c6.
2021-01-13 09:41:19.690 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - ErrorCode: 0
2021-01-13 09:41:19.693 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Caught Exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: Expected an int but was 10.2 at line 1 column 822 path $.rtsViewModel.tripStatistics[0].tripStatistics[0].averageAuxiliaryConsumption

This looks like a wrong format. Unfortunately I can’t see the original answer from the portal.

for the Tiguan:

2021-01-13 09:41:21.180 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - HTTP POST Request HttpRequest[POST //portal/delegate/dashboard/WVGZZZyyy/-/vehicle-info/get-vehicle-details HTTP/1.1]@eae311.
2021-01-13 09:41:21.204 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - ErrorCode: 0
2021-01-13 09:41:21.205 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Caught Exception For input string: “–”
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “–”

Any suggestions?

Hi all,
I forked the repro from @jannegpriv and
fixed the exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “–”
@ThKls: I see this same error for my Golf 8 eHybrid.

Please have a look at fixed remaining time · meisel2000/openhab-addons@72cd504 · GitHub

I fixed also the wrong fuel consumption calcuation

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Hi @meisel2000!

Thanks for fixing these errors, since I own a petrol Tiguan I’ve not been able to test hybrid cars.
I’ll incorporate the fixes and build new 2.x/3.x binding jars!

Updated OH2.5.9/OH3.1.0 binding jars in original post.

I’ve switched my build environment for OH3 and no new bindings will be added to 2.5.x, and I really think you should switch to OH3.0 if you haven’t done that already, since it is really cool! :slight_smile:

hi @jannegpriv

thx for your work.
I got the binding running and after some hours the i found my VW eGolf in the Thinks inbox.
I was able to receive Informations like GPS Position, range and so on. but if i try to start the preheater it does not work.
in the log i was able to find a line showing the text “No Heater install”.
The Item linkt to the RemoteHeater is also not changing if i start the Heating form the App.

maybe you can pleas help me.
Best regards Max

Maybe you used action#remoteHeater. It might be worth to try action#emanagerClimate. Heater seems to address a petrol driven heater. Look for electric#climatisationState.

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@ThKls is correct, the binding queries if your car is an electric or hybrid car, RemoteHeater is not valid for that type of car.

I will add a clarification of that in the README.

The README today states:

Electrical/hybrid cars might support the following actions NOTE: Not tested at all!!!

It would be interesting to know how many of them that works for you guys owning electrical/hybrid cars, I might be able to remove the NOTE. :slight_smile:

perfect it works, I totally overlooked the data point

I will test more of the functions and if you have a special test you need feel free to ask.
As already mentioned i have a Golf 7 in the 2018 version

Once again thanks for your work and halp.


Great work it works fantastic on my Passat. Using Siri I can now unlock my car or switch on the heater while coming back from a run for example.
Does it work also for an ID3? I have no S-PIN I think on that one?

Hi @sam_calmes7 !

Nice to hear that it works for you! :slight_smile:

Regarding ID3 I don’t know, if the ID3 is shown when you login to the We Connect Web portal then it should be possible. I’ve not tested having two cars at all as a matter of fact.

If you do not have a S-PIN, how do you control it?

Hello @jannegpriv,

ID3 is not accessible via the Web Portal; the web portal refers to the app ‘WeConnect ID.’ which does not have much functionality yet (you can set a charge threshold and charge, you can switch on the ventilation). By far not as much status information as for example for the Passat. I guess this will come with time. No S-Net pin in the WeConnect ID App. I can keep you updated on this if it changes and if you need a test candidate.

Very nice binding, i really love it.
I have been using it for a while now and i only have a few noticable things

First of my log viewer gives me this warning once in a while (i dont like warnings and especially not errors :stuck_out_tongue: ) but this leads me to the message since i want to report back my findings. :slight_smile:

2021-01-26 15:40:48.018 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Error code or JSON is null or empty on POST: url, response {“errorCode”:“2”,“timerCount”:3}

Also i am experiencing that it doesnt recognize my battery level, that is just 0, i dont know if its because my car is not electric ?
My car is a VW Golf 1.5 TSI :slight_smile:

Hi @Thomas_Roager, nice to hear that you find the binding useful. :slight_smile:

I have the same warning in my logs, it doesn’t happen so often and at the next poll it works again.
Since I do not have any information about the error codes the API uses, it’s hard to tell what’s causing it.

The battery level is only for electrical cars as you write, I have a Tiguan TSI! :slight_smile:

I see thanks ! :slight_smile:

Just for your information.

I’ve upgraded OH to 3.0.1 this morning. After the upgrade your We Connect Binding was gone and I need to reinstall it via karaf console. Not a big problem but a bit confusing that OH seems to delete it within the upgrade. Maybe because it it not a official binding within the repo?


I used the VW We Connect binding on OH 2.5.7 (installed directly on Synology) without any problem.

Now I have just installed a new OH 3.1 on Synology in a Docker environment but I have this error with the binding:

2021-02-24 21:22:51.779 [INFO ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Attempting to log in to
2021-02-24 21:22:51.781 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Caught Exception java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: HttpClient@666a48b8{STOPPED} is stopped for URL string We Connect
2021-02-24 21:22:51.783 [WARN ] [nal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler] - Refresh failed!

Have you got a solution for me? Or any idea?



Hi @Arno1st, are you using the 3.1.0.M1 version?

I’m using the 3.0.1 docker image in my Kubernetes cluster and it works fine.
Does it work when you use the 3.0.1 image?

You could also turn on DEBUG and PM me the log files.

Hi @jannegpriv

First of all, thanks for your answer :wink:

I said I was using an OH 3.1, it was a mistake, sorry.

My OH is a 3.0.1 version, through Docker (on Synology).

My logs with DEBUG mode give these lines:

2021-02-27 17:24:15.690 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - VWWeConnectSession:initialize
2021-02-27 17:24:15.691 [DEBUG] [nal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler] - VWWeConnectBridgeHandler - Refresh thread is up’n running! job: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@529a9b7c[Not completed, task = java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@3c0c9f31[Wrapped task = org.openhab.binding.vwweconnect.internal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler$$Lambda$1092/0x0000000100d96c40@3efe614e]]
2021-02-27 17:24:15.692 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - VWWeConnectSession:refresh
2021-02-27 17:24:15.693 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - areWeLoggedIn() - Checking if we are logged in
2021-02-27 17:24:15.694 [INFO ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Attempting to log in to
2021-02-27 17:24:15.695 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Login URL: We Connect
2021-02-27 17:24:15.696 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - getVWWeConnectAPI: We Connect
2021-02-27 17:24:15.698 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Caught Exception java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: HttpClient@745769f8{STOPPED} is stopped for URL string We Connect
2021-02-27 17:24:15.699 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Login failed, HTTP response: null
2021-02-27 17:24:15.701 [WARN ] [nal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler] - Refresh failed!
2021-02-27 17:24:15.703 [DEBUG] [.internal.handler.VWWeConnectHandler] - bridgeStatusChanged bridgeStatusInfo: OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR)
2021-02-27 17:24:15.708 [DEBUG] [.internal.handler.VWWeConnectHandler] - bridgeStatusChanged bridgeStatusInfo: OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR)

I will PM you other logs (with more details).

Thanks again @jannegpriv for your help.
