Design your SVG floorplan or dashboard for HABPanel with Inkscape

Hi @ysc,

Thank you so much for this tutorial!
I converted my floorplan to SVG and it works great.

One thing that I would like to share though: I had issues with text elements in the SVG (they would just not show in HABPanel). The solution:

Inkscape inserts text as “Flowed Text” and it has to be converted to an actual text element (select the flowed text element, click “Text” >> “Convert to Text” in the toolbar)

Then the text will show up just fine (and with it the item values).


Anyone have an idea with the character limitation issue?

That seems very odd. Can you open the developer tools and inspect the element you use ng-class on? You should see them added or removed in real time if it works, then try with > 60 characters and check what happens, you may also have errors in the Console tab.

Hello I have been having fun with this and cant really add much to the floor plans as there is much better than what I have. I have started with my “Solar Page” and it is working well but I would like to add some animation to it.
Is there a way to add a “GIF” bar to the screen to animate the direction of the energy flow? Currently I am using a arrow but an animation will look super. I have looked at SVG Sircus and even created a bar that pulses but I can seem to get the animation to work.
Best regards


Hey Yannick,

thank you so much for the hint with the developer console! :slight_smile:
This was really helpful because I could identify some character issues.

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sorry, this is not an openhab issue… but I´m stuck on this.
Can anyone tell me how the heck I create a CSS file from Inkscape? i can´t seem to find it :frowning:

Okay, I figured it out. Inkscape does not have css creation… I have to build one myself :slight_smile:

Exactly where is the above quote suppose to go?
I´m struggling with temperature and to many decimals as well, but I cant get this to work…

if I use this in inkscape it works fine, but to many decimals.
I can´t insert the above quote, I end up with and N/A.

Your item’s state looks like it includes the Unit of Measurement, so formatting the value it is more tricky. It’s a common issue right now. You have to separate the value from the unit first to get a raw number, then perform the formatting.


'Temperature: ' + (itemState('NetatmoUdendRsModule_Temperature').split(' ')[0] | number:1) + '°C'

The .split(' ')[0] is the part removing the unit after the space, and taking the number only.

I´m trying to edit it directly in the svg file, (it´s a bit easyer). But I belive the syntax is wrong (ie " vs ').

This is how it looks in the raw svg file atm working but with to many decimals:

     ng-bind="&quot;Temperatur: &quot; + itemState('NetamoUdendRsModule_Temperature')"><tspan

When I insert your quote directly, I get not value from the measurement, but the text, Temperatur: is displayed allright.

This is really a pain :frowning:

Simple and double quotes are both valid string delimiters.

Have a look at the Javascript console then (in the Chrome developer tools), there’s probably an error reported there.

Hmm, yes there are problems. But I dont have the knowlegde to fix it as I understand none of this:

vendor.js:119 Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=%3A&p1=is%20an%20unexpected%20token&p2=12&p3=Temperature%3A&p4=%3A
    at throwError (
    at t.ast (
    at Hd.compile (
    at nc.parse (
    at g (
    at b.$watch (
    at Object.<anonymous> (
    at sa ( <text xml:space="preserve" style="font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:4.23333311px;line-height:1.25;font-family:sans-serif;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.26458332" x="17.682404" y="105.60394" id="text4089" ng-bind="Temperature: " +="" (itemstate('netatmoudendrsmodule_temperature').split('="" ')[0]="" |="" number:1)="" '°c'="" class="ng-binding">

You can click on the provided URL:$parse/syntax?p0=%3A&p1=is%20an%20unexpected%20token&p2=12&p3=Temperature%3A&p4=%3A

The page will show you the actual message and some advice.
Your ng-bind looks completely borked, check your SVG file:

<text xml:space=“preserve” style=“font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:4.23333311px;line-height:1.25;font-family:sans-serif;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.26458332” x=“17.682404” y=“105.60394” id=“text4089” ng-bind=“Temperature: " +=”" (itemstate(‘netatmoudendrsmodule_temperature’).split(’="" ')[0]="" |="" number:1)="" ‘°c’="" class=“ng-binding”>


i think i have a problem with floorplan.css file.

if i delete my floorplan.css (or if i chnge is name) my ng-class continue to works, if i want write a new thing it’s doesn’t work with my ng-class (exemple with light-on).

my css file is in opt/openhab2/conf/html. is there another css.file ?


Hi there, I have some problems and I hope you can help me :slight_smile:.

I have a bulb icon that I would like to change to another bulb icon when I click on it, but I can’t find the way to do it. I am trying to change the “xlink:href” value from “.CSS” and from the xml editor but i can’t make it work.

I also would like to modify the value of a “Temperature” variable. I did 2 buttons, one for add 1 and other for substract 1, but only works the second one:

  • ng-click -> sendCmd(‘Temperatura’, itemState(‘Temperatura’) + 1)
  • ng-click -> sendCmd(‘Temperatura’, itemState(‘Temperatura’) - 1)

Now I’m trying to set a rectangle where I input a “Temperature” value with ng-model, but it doesn’t work. Is there any way to do this?

Thank you ^^

thanks for showing the steps. I use it for controling my xiaomi roborock zone cleaning feature.


I have been playing with Inkscape and its quite a lot of fun : Here is a short demo of my setup so far.
Still a working progress but it does give a general idea.


This is awesome… I simply got to learn this stuff!!

I don´t need the options of switching light on/off or any thing else from the SVG. I just want it to be an overview of everything.
I specially like the present detection effect you have made… And your Solar panel… wow!!!

Could you share some knowlegde, cause I want to learn? :slight_smile:

Hello Kim

Most of what was done there comes from information that I got from this thread. I know there should be a better way of doing things but I used a mix of rules ( Created in node red) and making the item state transparent via css. If there is enough interest I will consider doing a vid on it. But I am by no way an expert on the matter.
Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

is there a solution for this?

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