Designer cannot resolve "now"

After upgrading to OpenHab 1.8.2 including Designer, Designer strangely states that “now” cannot be resolved.
However, the rules are working and are creating no runtime errors.
For example:

This line show the error message

Multiple markers at this line

  • Couldn’t resolve reference to JvmIdentifiableElement ‘now’.
  • Couldn’t resolve reference to JvmIdentifiableElement ‘minusHours’.
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I’m having the same problem after upgrade to 1.82.
if(!Door1_IR.changedSince(now.minusSeconds(3))) {....

yup i have the same issue here on my side , even with 1.8, it appears when changing something to a current rule that has such appliance in it.

kindest regards

has anyone an idea who to fix this issue?

Same here.

I tried delete my .eclipse folder. No luck.

Anyone know why this happens ?

I also am experiencing this same issue in 1.8.2

timer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5))

I just ran into the same problem.
Version 1.8.0 seems to work fine.


Not yet but i can tell you the code still works

April 9

has anyone an idea who to fix this issue?

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In Reply To
April 8
yup i have the same issue here on my side , even with 1.8, it appears
when changing something to a current rule that has such appliance in it.
kindest regards

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I have the same problem. Is there any solution oder workaround for version 1.8.2 yet?

It’s broken in 1.8.3 as well.

I encountered the same problem today on 1.8.3

Please close the Designer, backup %USERPROFILE%.eclipse and remove everything in that directory. Open Designer and open your configuration.
This fixed it for me. This behaviour is with Eclipse (not Openhab Designer).

Strange answer as the same configuration works well with designer 1.8.0 and not with designer 1.8.3 …
I tried all the pointed cleanup actions, but none of them work.
I also tried to clean all the Java installation …
So the only solution for me is to keep running with the 1.8.0 designer … I guess that does not change much, bit still it would be great if a good fix could be found !

Same here. Only designer 1.8.0 work good…

Hello Max,

can you clarify the folder where the files should be deleted?

Your user profile path can be found by typing set at the DOS / Command prompt.
It is usually something like C:\User\MaxG\ and in this case C:\User\MaxG\eclipse. Replace MaxG with your login name.

Hello Max,
Delete all file in C:\User\Thai\eclipse, isn’t it?