Device configuration, Z-Wave binding database issue

Chris never specified this, but made several notes about this.
People are removing the stick from their openHAB server and are using the battery operated inclusion function of that controller type. This may cause problems. I have seen threads where problems were solved after putting back the stick to the server and use the inclusion button from the binding in HABmin or PaperUI.

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Thanks. I am preparing to test a new controller and may decide to use that one for my primary network.

For the sake of testing I’m gonna give it another 10 (that would make a total of 20 manual wakeups) if it is not configured then, I will exclude it again and reset to factory state before including it through openhab like sihui is sugesting.

wait and see!!

I have some cheap Chinese devices that can be very annoying to join to the network. This oars week I received a couple of better quality items that worked right away. I just put the network into inclusion mode and powered in the device.


HANK flood sensor succesfully added to the system. Floodalarm and temperature already succesfully recieved. Batt.Level …still waiting on that.

What did the job?

After more than 20 manuall wakeups without any succes I started the proces to exclude/include again.
After deleting the thing by using PaperUI, I went to my rasp and wanted to exclude the sensor from my Aeotec Gen 5 stick without shutting down the rasp and without ejecting the GEN5 stick.
When that wouldn’t work I wanted to check the GEN 5 manuall.

Before that, I got this briliant idea. Why not let PaperUI do a new search on Zwave things (the flood sensor was still on the GEN5 stick) and guess what … that did the job.

So as a solution :
If the thing won’t configurate properly than delete it from paperUI and do a new search.
(or just don’t buy this type of Hank Flood sensor)

Ok, main problem solved and again many thx to all of you. However still one question:

Where should I find the

Where can I find them on my rasp. I thought they were in :

but there is still no xml-file added for node8, eventhough it is working properly, so where should I find these xml-files?


The XML is generated once the device is fully configured, so possibly it is not initialised fully, which means it may not fully work.

For batter devices, this normally requires the device to wake up (either manually or automatically) - mains devices should initialise quickly and if they don’t there is probably a problem somewhere that would require a debug log to understand.

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Hello Pablo,

I wonder whether or not you still have the HANK Flood sensor active in your Openhab setup. If it is I would very much appreciate to have a copy of your settings. I have succeeded to adding it as a thing. however the configuration doesn’t seem to finnish properly and the communication is not working.


Hank Flood sensor is ready for the bin.

Since the initialistaion still didn’t complete I decide to exclude the sensor again, factory state and include it by triggering the binding and leaving the Aeotec Gen5 stick in the running rasp.

Now again more than 10 manual wakeups and a lot of frustration later …still no reporting back of any triggers and also no completed initialisation proces.

I’ve added the latest logs. If someone has a briliant idea than this is the moment.

MariocompleteLog.txt (265.5 KB)

It was awake several times:

Still no xml?

You have set both association groups to the controller, please only use group 1:

I don’t see any activity on the alarm_flood channel, did you try to link that channel to a switch itemtype?

@sihui, thx again for your support and sorry for this late reply.

I decided to start from scratch and thus start from a brand new openhab-install.
Unfortunately I was not aware of a bug in the recent raps images.
So now my system is down and I’m trying to solve that issue.
As soon as its up again I will come back with an update.

BTW. the reason why I decided to begin from scratch is because my new Heiman smoke detector arrived and that did not work out of the box eather (where as based on a few users of this forum it should) Therefore I thought that maybe my system messed up somewhere. Since I’m only at the beginning of this project I’m ok with starting all over.


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Me again,

good news, everything is working.
I’m on a brand new 2.4 install and both the HANK flood sensor and the HEIMAN smoke sensor are doing what they should.

Many thanks to all of you!!
