DEVIReg Smart thermostat binding

Do you know if the binding could be made compatible with Danfoss Link, i.e. the cloud used by the Danfoss Link CC controller?

Your library mentions Danfoss Living Connect which I think is another name for Danfoss Link. But the binding supports only these things, which doesn’t seem to match:

If this is actually similar to Danfoss Link, I would be very interested and also willing to contribute.

It was a fun trip…
Docker OpenHab on raspbian OS → many readings for libraries installation → copy addon to docker container → Android VM on M1 mac → IOS Devi smart → Andoid VM Devi smart → OpenHab share.
Finaly i see them in openhab )))
Next step - find out how to add them as thermostats to Homekit ) a bit later
Love my devi thermostats…

@laursen Hello! Sorry for delayed replies, i am short of time and not frequent guest here.

You would most likely need another binding for LivingConnect, because the protocol is different. Encrypted tunnel is also slightly different, older version, the library can be ehnanced to support it. If you’ve a Java developer, i can give you some directions. Sorry, but i don’t have LC hardware myself so can’t help.

Unfortunately the binding stopped working after migrating to OH 4 - it seems as if the binding is no longer „listed“ when I go to my inbox and try to scan for new things.
I‘m able to access :8080/danfoss and re-create a peer ID and it says „Look in your Inbox“ but - as said - nothing is listed :confused:

@Sonic is there any plan to work on this from your side?

Thanks for getting back. I forgot to reply because my priorities shifted a bit. Now reminded by another post in this thread, I just want to let you know that I’m still interested in this project to get my old thermostats truly online. So if you could provide me with any hints/directions, please do when you find the time.

Which one do you use?
In fact, I’ve upgraded today and <knock on wood> no issues, although it’s the danfoss-3.1.0 Version for me.

@false Hello! I OpenHAB 4 has changed the way it interacts with addons, i need to to a small update. Give me some time.

Of course — all the time you need! Thanks a lot for your effort!

I also use 3.1.0

Update: I’ve completely removed and re-added the 3.1.0 Binding and it seems as if the connection is working now and I get the right values for SWITCHES and STRINGS but all NUMBERS are NULL. I’ve also tried to define all UoM (Number:Temperature with unit=“°C”), I tried it with no UoM and the result is always the same. The value is still NULL.

I’ve finally kicked myself to upgrade to 4.0, but i am having problems setting up development environment.
Some more good news: I have finally released the OpenSDG library on Maven Central, so i can now upstream the binding.

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@false Hello! I have done the necessary modification for the binding to comply with the new 4.0+ scheme; but unfortunately i am having some strange problems with my environment, i cannot run 4.0 testapp. If you give me your email, i can send you my new JAR for testing.

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Update. With problems, but i was able to test my OH4 build. It works, i successfully connected to one of my thermostat and was able to display room temperature.
I haven’t done any more extensive testing, but i am assuming since the connection is okay and temperature reads okay, everything is good.
Please find the OpenHAB4 version here: Release OpenHAB 4 · Sonic-Amiga/org.openhab.binding.devireg · GitHub
Would be nice to get some reports, because i am planning to finally upstream the binding.

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Thumbs up! Working flawless (ok, haveto admit, I have downloaded right now… :wink: )

Thanks, works perfect - Greate work, took me some time to update, tested on 8 thermostates.

@Sonic: I have totally overlooked your posts/updates and just downloaded your latest relase. And what can I say? It works LIKE A CHARM! Thank you very much for your effort!

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I finilly installed and onfigured openHUB with DEVIreg.Thank you for your job @Sonic.
Would appreciate some help with STATE mapping for Homekit.
I want to map
But cant figure out how to do this in openHUB …
Tried variants like “-” and [ but no luck… Advice please to finish it )

Sorry, can’t help with HK because i’m not using Apple’s stuff and not familiar with it.
Raw values of the state channel are simply strings.

That was not only to you question, but anyway thank you, already found best solution for me to integrate it to HK.
Mapped manual temp to target temp
while “At home” and “Away” temp are threshold tempuratures accordingly for thermostat.
And Heat / Cold status - also set as curent mode for Home / Away.
Now it absolutely intuitive for me.

Gentlemen, good day!
Help out a total noob here.
Installed the latest openHAB on a Raspberry PI for the sole purpose of controlling the stubborn Danfoss Devireg underfloor thermostats. installed the latest add-on from within the usr/share/openhab/addons folder using wget.
On the DeviSmart configuration receiving utility page I see the enter the code prompt. However, when I do enter it, the iOS Devi app immediately displays
An error occured
Something went wrong, couldn’t send configuration
and openHAB gives me this:
Error : Failed to receive config: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
after a short while.
I’d appreciate some pointers,

EDIT: Worked by sharing from the Android app, the iOS one kept causing the errors.