Different problems around rrd4j

rrd4j is the persistence default service in shapshot #1072 with openHABianPi and Windows10.

I checked previousState with 3 number-items and 3 switch-items (each one for everyMinute, one for everyChange and one for everyUpdate) and changed the states in a rule. All …/userdate/persistence/rrd4j/*.rrd files get installed, but only the files for everyMinute takes values. State-changes of the switch-items over the sitemap are correct stored in the rrd4j.

Only the msg is not correct “404 Unknown Item or persistence service” and was shown also if rrd4j is given

I can’t store rrd4j!

No items are displayed!

What’s the reason?

rrd4j is known to be working reliable only with everyMinute:


The strategy everyMinute must be used, otherwise no data will be persisted (stored).

Try PaperUI, that should work.

HABmin is just not finished yet regarding some of the functionality.