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On my Galaxy S4 in landscape mode, two lines of widgets only fill about 75% of the vertical space. It would be nice if these two rows can fill the whole screen.

To clarify: Only when run in full screen mode, the widgets does not fill 100% of the vertical space. I suspect this is not intended behavior so I’ll raise an issue report.

Well, I just posted it here in one post before beta release, so it is hardly advertising :stuck_out_tongue:
In any case, sizing config and behavior might change soon.

That’s actually intended, since if there are too many widgets on the screen (especially for phone screens), it needs to scroll. I realize it would be best for wall-tablets to fully utilize screen space, so there might some other solution for that at later stage.

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That’s actually intended, since if there are too many widgets on the screen (especially for phone screens), it needs to scroll. I realize it would be best for wall-tablets to fully utilize screen space, so there might some other solution for that at later stage.

I actually plan to run the client on a couple of phones (5" - 7") standing in landscape mode next to our bed. Would be nice to use it as clock and at the same time have instant access to the ~8 most commonly used openHAB actions. So even for phone screens a full screen utilization option would be appreciated :smile:

7" phones?? I have tablets smaller than that :smile:

I would imagine the “full screen use” mode would depend on some config, rather than screen size, so it should not be an issue.

Version 0.2.16
Release Notes

This version has some breaking changes related to introduction of multiple widget sizes:

  • {widget:weather-compact} replaced with {widget:weather,size:1x1}
  • {widget:weather-vertical} replaced with {widget:weather,size:1x2}
  • {widget:weather-simple-vertical} replaced with {widget:weather-simple,size:1x2}
  • {widget:music-compact} replaced with {widget:music,size:2x1}

New stuff
Support for multiple widget sizes for selected widgets (see Widget Sizes for more information) and Clock Square widget

Version 0.2.17
Release Notes

Couple of bug fixes in Light Color picker:

Can someone please write an example of how to use the mode widget to make a “Goodnight” button that triggers a rule? I feel a bit lost here…

How do you track your phone location for the google maps widgets?

I’m not sure I totally understand the problem, but let me try to share similar to what I have.
Btw, with mode widget you would need to have at least two states right?
Then something like this in addition to a rule triggering on Goodnight?

Frame label="{widget:mode}" {
  Selection item=Mode mappings=[

Version 0.2.18
Release Notes

Bug fixes:

  • Clicking anywhere outside a dialog should close it (see: #32)
  • Possible fix for issues with parsing color item state (see: #35)

Igor, this is what I have now tried:

	Frame label="{widget:mode}" {
 		Selection item=Scenario_GF_Livingroom mappings=[
 	Frame label="{widget:mode}" {
  		Selection item=Mode mappings=[

This is what I have in the items file:

Number Scenario_GF_Livingroom			{ autoupdate="false" }
String Mode

I’m trying with both Number and String. None of them work and when clicking on any of the two mode widgets the app crashes. Let me cause another crash and I will comment on it in the crash report being sent to you…

A little bit offtopic, but i hope you can answer this to me:

If i install this owntracks App and install a mtqq server and so on, can i make a live view of the smrtphones of my wife and me and see in realtime, where my wife is at the moment?

So i don´t have to call her, if i come home and nobody is at home, i can look to the map and see, if she is in the supermarket or something like this?

Yes! This should work in 1.8 in the classic UI, but not the Android app (don’t know about iOS app):


Group Where
Location WifeLocation "Wife location [%s]" (Where) { mqtt="<[broker:owntracks/wife/phone:state:JS(owntracks-coordinates.js)]" }


var location = eval('(' + input + ')');
result = location.lat + "," + location.lon;


Group item=Where
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I will use this in rastini, not habdroid.

And is this working with the given mtqq-server from owntrack also or do i have to set up an own server? I want to test this before, so it would be better to use the server from owncliud. Will i get the same inforamtion - so i only need to install the mtqqtitude-binding (don´t know the exact name right now)?

I would set up a mosquitto server and the MQTT binding for the example I gave. Hopefully this nice new Android client can show maps for Location items. The sitemap DSL ought to be extended with a Map widget that takes either an item=<location item> or item=<group item>, in the latter case puts all contained location items on the map.

@halloween the same items setup should work for Rotini as it would for android (what @watou described) , like string items with location represented with “lat,long”. In Rotini you can also add accuracy as third param, to show the radius around the point, so it would like “lat,long,accuracy”. Lat and long are represented as decimals. I will more examples on Rotini wiki for map widget soon as well.

I want to only use the location based on the celltower and wlan, not with gps to lower the power consumtion. Is there a way to do this setting in owntracks or is the only way, to make it system-wide in the android settings? So i would have to change this every time i use a gps-software for navigation?

Please note that this syntax is incompatible with openHAB’s Location items and Point types, because your optional third argument is accuracy, while in openHAB the optional third parameter is elevation in meters. In order to minimize confusion, perhaps your app could be changed to work with the native Location items? In openHAB 1.8, their string version is lat,long[,alt], so maybe you could have a syntax lat,long[,alt[,accuracy]]?

@watou I’m not really sure what is the use of altitude in what I see mostly 2D maps usage in HA, while accuracy is very useful. Do you know any valid use case for altitude?