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Thanks man, I’ll try that and I’ll come with feedback.

All I had to do was to change autoupdate=“false” to autoupdate="true"
Thanks for the tip.

I would like to ask you another thing: i’m trying to use photo from my rpi for the app but it does not upload them. I tried using jpg or png but using the url it does not upload the picture. My pic is on the rpi and the url looks like this:
Image url="http:/" refresh=10000
Thanks for help.


Firstly, you have a typo. It should be not http:/ You are missing one slash. Can you access that picture using the same address in a browser? To be able to access it that way, you should have some web server running. You can’t use it that way if the path you have there is a file system path (e.g. “./home/pi/images/myimg.jpg”)

Best regards,

Sorry, the link is alright in the sitemap (only here i have this typo). The picture is on the rpi where OH is running and the pic doesn’t appear in the OH sitemap too.
If i use: Image url=“https://source.unsplash.com/category/nature/1600x900” label="{item:photo}" from wiki the images appear in the OH sitemap and also in the Rotini app so maybe the path is not right or the dimension or the link?

Can you access the link you’ve posted via browser (just the link, not using sitemap)? If you can’t, then you can’t access it with OH either. In that case, you should use web server (wamp or something similar) and have your images there, so you can access them with both, browser and OH. I’m not sure if url parameter for image widget could be used with local file system, but you could try “file://home/pi/images/myimg.jpg”.

Best regards,

@ewgor you should put your static images into [openhab]/webapps/static folder, then it would be accessible through http://[openhab-ip]:8080/static/[filename]

Thanks! that was it :slight_smile:


I forgot that option. The only problem with that approach could occur if you are using one image that you dynamically replace via rules. Once OH shows an image, you can’t replace it without shutting OH down first.

Best regards,

Whats up guys?
@igor is there any widget to display the battery status of a Fgk? or the electricity cost? tried with text or other widgets and couldn’t make it display any value.

I am currently struggling with a simple mapping for binary snesor

Frame label="Malte {widget:binary-sensor,icon:face}" {
                    Text item=presence_malte mappings=[ON="Home",OFF="Away"]

Doesn’t work at all, it still shows on and off

Hi all,
What video camera do you have that can stream live video in Rotini app? I want to buy a video camera to use it with the app but I want to see live video not picture by picture.
Also for wether what way did you chose? I tried with yahoo but I cannot display if it’s cloudy or the wind speed, I can only display the temp and humidity.

Hey guys,

when can we expect a iOS Version for this lovely app? Can’t find anything about in this thread? Or is an extra iOS Thread still created?


Hi Igor,
how long will the beta be prolonged? I am currently not done transitioning to another solution and lacking the time atm. What is the timeline?

@Multisaft7 iOS version will be released few months after new Android beta release

@Spaceman_Spiff that is at least few months away, with a couple of months notice before it happens

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a very interesting project, where you can buy

@alsu the app is not available for sale yet. There will be a private beta available soon in G+ community, before final release.

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If i want to set a button to set all lights on or off…

can i use the widget like this?

sitemap rotini label="Rotini {rotini:true}"
  Text label="Licht" {
	Frame label="Alle Lichter {widget:light-switch}" {
    Switch item=wohn_licht_hue_iris
    Switch item=wohn_licht_hue_stehlampe 
    Switch item=wohn_licht_hue_tvstripe
    Switch item=office_licht_hue_deskstripe
    Switch item=schlaf_licht_hue_carsten
    Switch item=schlaf_licht_hue_hannah

You can use a Group item that represents all lights.

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Ok great :slight_smile: Where can i find the group items in the wiki?!

Just to clarify, I meant OH Group items. Those are described here: Explanation of items · openhab/openhab1-addons Wiki · GitHub

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