(Szilagyi R)
June 20, 2020, 3:30pm
My goal is to display total usage of a device between one on and off period - basically need to know for how long this device was switched on. I’am wathing the device IP, if ping returns it’s on.
I found this topics, similar problem with mine, but I could not adapt the code, would somebody help me?
I have done the coding and tested it. I think it works right now. I include my solution here in case somebody would like to do the same in the future.
My scenario is some sort pump which I want to monitor how much it runs. I think this is a good way of monitoring an automated process to make sure it is working correctly. I used this scenario to monitor my well pump for sprinklers. I just look at the run time in the morning to make sure it has done irrigation overnight.
These are my items. Pump…
Hello all,
I have an item boiler_status that gets updated once my boiler is powered on and off. I persist the change of the state but now I would like to measure the time the boiler is on and keep a total counter.
I came up with the below to start with but I am confused right now and do not know if it going to work.
In my items file I have
Number boiler_counter
Number boiler_counter_total
Number mqtt_boiler_status “Boiler” { mqtt="<[has:/hab/heating/boilerStatus:state:default]" }
and my…