Documentation about Concepts on OH 3

is there already some documentation about OH 3.0 ? I installed the latest docker looks nice and would like to understand the concepts things / equipement and ui’s does somebody may give some links where to start ?

Thanks in advance

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To my knowledge, OH 3 is not even usable yet.

A reply, but not an answer, is it?
Like @lblabr I would like to read into concepts and outlines of things to come

The concept has not really changed, biggest change is made to the UI.

i defined a sitemap how do i get the sitemap displayed ?

AFAIK BasicUI with sitemaps is still supported in openHAB 3.0, but this might change.

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where may i read about the concept ? i’m think to integrate my own widget and i would like to know how to start …

is the framework (angular, react, vue) already fixed ? how can i start right now and test my widgt, may i place it an panel or how it works ?

are there some Hello World Examples ?

Thanks in advance


All development related to the new ui can be found here: There are 2 pinned issues with some more details. But be aware its very much work in progress.


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