Driving Time and Distance using Waze [;]

For an example of alerting when the travel time gets too long or a different route from usual is see below. I configured the rule template to only run every minute between 07:00 and 07:20.


var usualDistance = Quantity("17.6 mi");
var distanceBuffer = Quantity("0.5 mi");
var usualTime = Quantity("19.1 min");
var timeBuffer = Quantity("5 min");
var notificationId = "schoolDriveTime";

console.debug('Received travel info from Waze');

var arrivalTime = time.toZDT(items.School_TravelTime).toLocalTime();

function getTime(inst) {
  let hour = inst.hour();
  let meridian = "AM"
  if(hour == 12) meridian = 'PM';
  if(hour > 12) {
    hour -= 12;
    meridian = 'PM'
  return hour + ":" + String(inst.minute()).padStart(2, '0') + " " + meridian;

// If route is more than distanceBuffer from the usual route
var differentRoute = items.School_TravelDistance.quantityState.subtract(usualDistance).greaterThan(distanceBuffer);
// If the travel time is more than timeBuffer from the usual route
var longerTime = items.School_TravelTime.quantityState.subtract(usualTime).greaterThan(timeBuffer);

var msg = "As of " + getTime(time.toZDT().toLocalTime());
if(differentRoute) msg += " a different route is suggested by Waze"
else msg += " the usual route is still the best"
msg += " to school and travel duration is " 
       + items.School_TravelTime.quantityState.toUnit("min").float.toPrecision(3)
       + " minutes for an arrival time of " + getTime(arrivalTime);


if(differentRoute || longerTime) {
                                  .withTitle('Time to leave!')
                                  .withOnClickAction('app:android=com.waze') // untested
  cache.private.put(notificationId, actions.ScriptExecution.createTimer(ruleID, time.toZDT('PT10M'), () => {
    actions.notificationBuilder('cancel notification').withReferenceId(notificationId).hide().send();
  actions.Voice.say(msg, null, "sink:id"); // all speakers group
else {
  actions.notificationBuilder('cancel notification').withReferenceId(notificationId).hide().send();

The School_TravelMessage Item is a String Item I use with Embedded Waze Live Traffic Map Widget as the footer so I can see the travel time and the current traffic conditions in MainUI in the same widget. I use =items.Shcool_TravelMessage.state for the footer property of the widget.