Dropdown battery/window widget "mostly" dynamic


Somedays ago i saw a really nice UI example here in the forum with dropwons.

Unfortunately the shown dropdown widegts were static and i had do rewrite them to use them in my setup.
After i created a version for my batteries, i added some new devices with batteries and had to modify the widget again.
Yesterday i saw an post about oh-repeater components and tought i can use them in the dropdown widgets.

An now im sharing my new “mostly” dynamic dropdown widget with you :smile:

uid: DropdownDynamic
tags: []
    - description: Headline text for Dropdown
      label: Headline text for Dropdown
      name: headline
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      description: Item which store the count of desired state
      label: Item which store the count of desired state
      name: groupCountItem
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Minimum threshold to change icon and badge text/color
      label: Minimum threshold to change icon and badge text/color
      name: minThreshold
      required: true
    - description: Maximum threshold to change icon and badge text/color
      label: Maximum threshold to change icon and badge text/color
      name: maxThreshold
      required: true
    - description: Icon name for group count above minimum threshold
      label: Icon name for group count above minimum threshold
      name: minIcon
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Badge color for group count above minimum threshold
      label: Badge color for group count above minimum threshold
      name: minColor
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Icon name for group count above maximum threshold
      label: Icon name for group count above maximumthreshold
      name: maxIcon
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Badge color for group count above maximum threshold
      label: Badge color for group count above maximum threshold
      name: maxColor
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Icon name for group count below minimum threshold
      label: Icon name for group count below minimum threshold
      name: defaultIcon
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Badge color for group count below minimum threshold
      label: Badge color for group count below minimum threshold
      name: defaultColor
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: State to compare if not counted
      label: State to compare if not counted (CLOSED for windows or OFF for lowBattery)
      name: compareState
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Text for state not equal compareState (OFF,CLOSED....)
      label: Text for state not equal compareState (OFF,CLOSED....)
      name: offStateText
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Text for state equal compareState (ON,OPEN.....)
      label: Text for state equal compareState (ON,OPEN.....)
      name: onStateText
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: Tags to identify items
      label: Tags to identify items (comma seperated list possible)
      name: itemTags
      required: true
      type: TEXT
timestamp: Feb 3, 2021, 2:23:15 PM
component: oh-grid-col
  width: "100"
  small: "50"
  medium: "33"
    - component: oh-list-card
        accordionList: true
        simpleList: false
        outline: true
          - component: oh-list-item
              title: =props.headline
              icon: =(items[props.groupCountItem].state>props.minThreshold)?items[props.groupCountItem].state>props.maxThreshold?props.maxIcon:props.minIcon:props.defaultIcon
              iconUseState: true
              badge: '=props.offStateText + ": " + (items[props.groupCountItem].state)'
              badgeColor: =(items[props.groupCountItem].state>props.minThreshold)?items[props.groupCountItem].state>props.maxThreshold?props.maxColor:props.minColor:props.defaultColor
                - component: oh-list-card
                    accordionList: true
                    noBorder: true
                    noShadow: true
                    outline: true
                      - component: oh-list-card
                          accordionList: true
                          noBorder: true
                          noShadow: true
                          outline: true
                            - component: oh-repeater
                                for: item
                                sourceType: itemsWithTags
                                itemTags: =props.itemTags
                                fetchMetadata: semantics,widgetOrder
                                  - component: oh-list-item
                                      title: =loop.item.name.split('_')[0]
                                      icon: =(items[loop.item.name].state == props.compareState)?props.defaultIcon:props.maxIcon
                                      badge: =(items[loop.item.name].state == props.compareState)?props.onStateText:props.offStateText
                                      badgeColor: =(items[loop.item.name].state == props.compareState)?props.defaultColor:props.maxColor


You can configure 3 state for the headline.
In my case i will show an orange badge when more then 0 batteries are empty and when more then 5 batteries are empty it will show an red badge, otherwise green.

The badge-text/color are configurable. Also the Icons for the different states (count off items in specific state) are configurable.

To show the count of empty batteries, which are empty, i created an number item and change the count by an rule.

empty battery count rule
  - id: "1"
      groupName: BatterienStatus
    type: core.GroupStateChangeTrigger
conditions: []
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      type: application/javascript
      script: >-
        var log = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID); 
        var countItem = itemRegistry.getItem("BatterienAnzahlLeer");
        var batteryCount = 0;
        var allBatteries = itemRegistry.getItemsByTag("LowBattery");

        for (var i in allBatteries) {
          if (allBatteries[i].state == "ON") {
        events.postUpdate(countItem, batteryCount);
    type: script.ScriptAction

Thanks for posting. I moved it to the Add-ons UIs category as that is where most of the MainUI Widget examples are being posted.

One expansion to this overall approach would be to use the visibility properties to, for example, only show an Item if it’s ON (or OFF) for other sorts of status reporting such as the online status of your devices.

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