DWD Unwetter Warnungen no values


i have installed the binding for the first time and unfortunately I get no values. Can someone tell me if there is a problem with version 2.5.2 or if it could be something else. I am trying to retrieve the Cell ID 116051000. I have no errors in the logs and no messages that the data was retrieved.

Check github to see if there is any open issues. You can try restarting OH a few times or have a look at DarkSky binding as it works very well.

Hi @John_Doe,

i have the same problem with the binding. For me it is NOT working with Cell ID 108119000 but it is working with Cell ID 808119079. I was on 2.5.0 and updated today to 2.5.2. Still the same. Also restarted OH multiple times yesterday and today. Also restarted the rpi. Still not working for 108119000. Maybe it is because of the faulty one is a region and the working one is a city.

I would be very happy if anyone could support in this topic?

Thanks in advance

Documentation of the issue:

Here is the excerpt of:

“108119000”:[{“regionName”:“Rems-Murr-Kreis”,“start”:1583190000000,“end”:1583226000000,“type”:1,“state”:“Baden-Württemberg”,“level”:2,“stateShort”:“BW”,“description”:“Es treten Windböen mit Geschwindigkeiten zwischen 50 km/h (14m/s, 28kn, Bft 7) und 60 km/h (17m/s, 33kn, Bft 7) aus westlicher Richtung auf. In exponierten Lagen muss mit Sturmböen bis 70 km/h (20m/s, 38kn, Bft 8) gerechnet werden.”,“event”:“WINDBÖEN”,“headline”:“Amtliche WARNUNG vor WINDBÖEN”,“instruction”:“”,“altitudeStart”:null,“altitudeEnd”:null}],

Here is the excerpt for city Waiblingen, Cell ID 808119079 of:
waiblingen.xml (4.5 KB)

And here the excerpt for the region Rems-Murr-Kreis, Cell ID 808119079 of:
rems-murr-kreis.xml (700 Bytes)

And Snapshots from the website:

This excerpt clearly shows no matching alerts:

numberMatched="0" numberReturned="0"

You should ask the owners of the site why the results from these two services don’t match.

Hi @namraccr,

you are totally right. I was already wondering why those documents did not match (thats why i also added them as file to reproduce the issue).

If i will find time, i will post this to DWD and keep you posted.

Thanks a lot.


i have the same problemes with 2.5.2.

something new?

I explained my issues to dwd in a long mail but didn’t hear anything from them. I am using now my local city instead of the region. Will keep you posted

Hello All,

i recieved a reply to my mail to DWD. Obviously, the requested layer in the DWDUnwetter Binding is only for cities. The above_layers are not queried at all. That is why the reply does not contain information on municipalities and not on districts.

Here is the reply from DWD:


vermutlich liegt hier ein Missverständnis vor.

Der DWD gibt Warnungen für zwei verschiedene Ebene heraus.

- Landkreise (tw. in Spezialgebiete unterteilt z.B. an der Küste)
- Gemeinden (nach Gemeindeschlüssel plus tw große Städte in Stadtgebiete)

Innerhalb des Layers dwd:Warnungen_Gemeinden finden sie deshalb auch nur Gemeinden wie Waiblingen
Den Kreis Rems-Murr werden sie dort nicht finden.  

Möchten Sie diesen Abfragen müssen Sie den Layer dwd:Warnungen_Landkreise abfragen.

Der File:
Stellt die Warnungen auf Landkreisebene dar.

Bedenken Sie:
Grundlage sind immer die Gemeindewarnungen. 
Sollte für Waiblingen eine Warnungen ausgegeben, so ist auch der Rems-Murr-Kreis bewarnt.
Allerdings kann es sein, dass der Rems-Murr-Kreis eine Warnung anzeigt, Waiblingen aber nicht (ggf. ist die Nachbargemeinde bewarnt.

Ich hoffe, soweit ist alles gut beschrieben.

Alle Infos zu den Warnungs-CAPS finden sie unter www.dwd.de/opendatahelp

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Deutscher Wetterdienst

So you have to request a special city and you will get the information. Otherwise one would have to extend the DWDUnwetter Binding.

For me, the topic can be closed, it is all clear now to me. Thanks for your contribution.

1 Like

How you get the Id of the special city??? Is there any Overview???

@paglatz @namraccr @SteffenS @H102 can someone open an issue on GitHub? To get it corrected?

Hi @milo,

got it from the link provided in the Binding Description which redirects to:

I fixed it for me with specifying only my city. I was assuming that city warnings are aggregated to the next top level and so on, but was not quite sure. Now with the reply from DWD that is approved so i am happy with specifying the city. Maybe a remark in the Binding Description would be useful for the people.


Hello @paglatz,

i have checked an alternative Cellid on this site (https://www.dwd.de/DWD/warnungen/warnapp/json/warnings.json), but 116051000 is the only one for my city.

Now i have tryed this example (https://www.eidelsburger.de/hobbys_und_technik/smarthome/unwetterdaten-vom-dwd-in-openhab/) and it works. But why it works I can’t say. I hope some one can check this binding and found a solution.

Hello @John_Doe

is it not working for 116051000? This is a city and it should work. The file warnings.json is only for “Landkreise” (see also E-Mail reply of DWD), so it is not the one which will give you the result of the binding.

One would have to distinquish between citys and “landkreise” in the binding and then request different files.

But to answer your question: your mentioned cell id should work with the binding.

I tried yesterday to receive warnings for “Stadt Fürth” - there are two cell ids:

  • 109563000 Stadt Fürth
  • 909573999 Kreis und Stadt Fürth

While I tested there was a warning active on website and also in https://www.dwd.de/DWD/warnungen/warnapp/json/warnings.json:

"909573999": [
      "regionName": "Kreis und Stadt Fürth",
      "end": 1591207200000,
      "start": 1591203720000,
      "type": 0,
      "state": "Bayern",
      "level": 3,
      "description": "Von Westen ziehen Gewitter auf. Dabei gibt es Sturmböen mit Geschwindigkeiten bis 75 km/h (21m/s, 41kn, Bft 9) sowie Starkregen mit Niederschlagsmengen zwischen 15 l/m² und 25 l/m² pro Stunde und kleinkörnigen Hagel.",
      "instruction": "ACHTUNG! Hinweis auf mögliche Gefahren: Örtlich kann es Blitzschlag geben. Bei Blitzschlag besteht Lebensgefahr! Vereinzelt können beispielsweise Bäume entwurzelt und Dächer beschädigt werden. Achten Sie besonders auf herabstürzende Äste, Dachziegel oder Gegenstände. Während des Platzregens sind kurzzeitig Verkehrsbehinderungen möglich.",
      "stateShort": "BY",
      "altitudeStart": null,
      "headline": "Amtliche WARNUNG vor STARKEM GEWITTER",
      "altitudeEnd": null,
      "event": "STARKES GEWITTER"
      "regionName": "Kreis und Stadt Fürth",
      "end": 1591210800000,
      "start": 1591206660000,
      "type": 0,
      "state": "Bayern",
      "level": 3,
      "description": "Von Westen ziehen Gewitter auf. Dabei gibt es Sturmböen mit Geschwindigkeiten um 70 km/h (20m/s, 38kn, Bft 8) sowie Starkregen mit Niederschlagsmengen zwischen 15 l/m² und 25 l/m² pro Stunde und kleinkörnigen Hagel.",
      "instruction": "ACHTUNG! Hinweis auf mögliche Gefahren: Örtlich kann es Blitzschlag geben. Bei Blitzschlag besteht Lebensgefahr! Vereinzelt können beispielsweise Bäume entwurzelt und Dächer beschädigt werden. Achten Sie besonders auf herabstürzende Äste, Dachziegel oder Gegenstände. Während des Platzregens sind kurzzeitig Verkehrsbehinderungen möglich.",
      "stateShort": "BY",
      "altitudeStart": null,
      "headline": "Amtliche WARNUNG vor STARKEM GEWITTER",
      "altitudeEnd": null,
      "event": "STARKES GEWITTER"

However the binding did not changed its channels/linked items. I also tried to to directly load the query with queries like https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/dwd/ows?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=dwd:Warnungen_Gemeinden&CQL_FILTER=WARNCELLID+LIKE+%27109564000%27 or https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/dwd/ows?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=dwd:Warnungen_Gemeinden&CQL_FILTER=WARNCELLID+LIKE+%27909573999%27 and they both showed zero matches:

<wfs:FeatureCollection numberMatched="0" numberReturned="0" timeStamp="2020-06-03T18:01:26.311Z" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.dwd.de https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/dwd/wfs?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=DescribeFeatureType&typeName=dwd%3AWarnungen_Gemeinden http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0 https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/schemas/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/schemas/gml/3.2.1/gml.xsd"/>

So it seems that even if there is an active warning in a cell id and this cell id is used in the complete warning list, it is not ensured that a CQL query to that cell id returns a warning.

A reason maybe that in case of yesterdays warning the warning was not active for the complete area of the cell (only the southern half - as shown on website). If this is the case then doing a CQL query for “like ‘cellid’” is not the right way to load warning for an area.

I filed an issue https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues/7856.

I think you need to be really cautious with what is on the Warnungen_Gemeinden and what is not. I live in Amberg, just a few km east of you and I had similar issues. I found the name Amberg quite a few times in the cell id list and the only ones that worked were those starting with an 8 where all the Gemeinden are listed.

So as it seems to be really weird to choose the correct cellId for me it at least worked to execute the same url query that the plugin does but without a filter:

This returns a large xml (for me around 11mb). Then I just did a text search in the file for my town and used that id:
