Dynamic custom icons with a space in state


From WeatherUnderground-Binding I get a state like “Regen” or “Regen möglich”. Long time ago I have added custom icons for every condition and I’m sure that it worked! For above 2 states I have two custom icons in \icons\classic-folder:

weather-regen möglich.png

Now I have seen that openHAB doesn’t differ between “Regen” and “Regen möglich”. Most probably no spaces are allowed as a state. But this is coming from the binding and I’m not able to change the raw-state.

Now my question: Is it possible to get back this functionality? Was it a bug in the past? Or is it a bug that we have now in the latest OH 2.4-Snapshots? As already mentioned above…I’m sure it worked for me once.


I noticed there same thing. Spaces used to be allowed but now my conditions from Wunderground that have a space bring up the default icon. I’ve not spent the time to look into it.

I think BasicUI and dynamic icons and such is implemented over at the ESH GitHub so that is where you can file an issue. Be sure to reference this thread and mention it’s a breaking change.

Working again with openHAB 2.4.0 Snapshot Build #1404 :slight_smile:


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