EasyESP and MQTT

Happy Friday Folks,

I need a little help in receiving MQTT from a simple implementation of an esp8266. I am able to communicate with the esp-01 and can control an LED using the following item:

Switch MQTTLED (test) {mqtt=“>[mymosquitto:/ESP01/gpio/2:command:ON:1],>[mymosquitto:/ESP01/gpio/2:command:OFF:0]”}

My problem is that I cannot receive the status of a button. Here are the two Contact items that I’ve tried.

Contact MQTBTN (test) {mqtt=“>[mymosquitto:/esp01/switch/button:state:MAP(switch.map)]”}
Contact MQTBTN1 (test) {mqtt=“>[mymosquitto:/esp01/switch/button:state:default)]”}

For support information, here’s the log from the esp-01

SW : State 0
HTTP : Delay 1000 ms
MQTT : Topic /esp01/switch/button
SW : State 1
HTTP : Delay 1000 ms
MQTT : Topic /esp01/switch/button

The Switch .ino file is attached as well. _P001_Switch.pdf (62.0 KB)

You’ve not supplied your switch.map so I can’t see how you’re handling the mapping. You’ve also not said what errors if any you receive so at the moment I can only say the following:

Contact items only allow states OPEN and CLOSED, not 0 or 1, so there may lie your problem. Maybe your item should be defined as a Switch, or maybe you need to map 1 and 0 to OPEN and CLOSED.

Each item generates the following error.

2015-12-10 21:22:38.542 [ERROR] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider] - Binding configuration of type ‘mqtt’ of item ?MQTBTN1? could not be parsed correctly.
org.openhab.model.item.binding.BindingConfigParseException: Configuration ‘mymosquitto:/esp01/switch/button:state:default)’ is not a valid outbound configuration: Configuration requires 5 parameters separated by ‘:’

2015-12-10 21:22:38.520 [ERROR] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider] - Binding configuration of type ‘mqtt’ of item ?MQTBTN? could not be parsed correctly.
org.openhab.model.item.binding.BindingConfigParseException: Configuration ‘mymosquitto:/esp01/switch/button:state:MAP(switch.map)’ is not a valid outbound configuration: Configuration requires 5 parameters separated by ‘:’

Here is the switch.map which works for my zwave contacts.


Thanks for you help.

If these are messages from your ESP to openHAB then it’s an inbound message, which means your arrow needs to be “<” and not “>”.

Apart from that the rest looks good so if that doesn’t work I’m kind of out of ideas!

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That put me in the right direction. I’m getting the message to the server. However, I cannot get Openhab to recognize the conact via the GUI

Here’s the events.log

2015-12-11 21:33:23 - MQTBTN state updated to 1.00
2015-12-11 21:33:26 - MQTBTN state updated to 0.00

Any ideas?

seems that you have to put


in your mapping-File

My setup:
EasyESP firmware on nodemcu.
Raspberry pi running openhab2 with mosquito mqtt broker.
In openhab2, i have install mqtt binding and MAP transformation.

home.items file for one of the switch.

Switch F2_Bedroom_Power “Power Outlet” (F2_Bedroom, gPower) {mqtt=">[broker:/nodemcu01/sw1/swcmd/cmd:command:ON:gpio,16,1], >[broker:/nodemcu01/sw1/swcmd/cmd:command:OFF:gpio,16,0], <[broker:/nodemcu01/sw1/swstat:state:MAP(binary.map)]"}

binary.map file content.

root@openHABianPi:/etc/openhab2/items# cat …/transform/binary.map

Using above i can able to command my switch ( on/off ) also,it updates the state of the switch if its turned ON/OFF externally.