Eltako FTKE for toilet flush monitoring

Just discovered today that the Eltako FTKE can be used to monitor the press of our toilet flush :sweat_smile:

I had two spare switches here and just a little time to quickly tape the thing inside of the box (manufacturer of the toilet flush is Geberit) for testing. It sort of works right out of the box, the size of the switch just fills the gap perfectly. It still needs some fine tuning though to position it so both button presses can be monitored. Probably I’ll just have to make the switch a bit bigger to have it working reliably.

Just thought I share this here if this is interesting for anyone else. Maybe you come up with a good idea on how to detect both pushes reliably.


Don’t know what it’s really good for yet. I thought about maybe switching off the light a couple of minutes after the flush was used.

This sentence made my day.

Off the top of my head, you could turn on the fan when there’s a heavy flush, and then…

Well sometimes you just need to have the possibility to detect some event until you come up with good ideas on how to use them for automations :grimacing:

That’s a good start, thank you!

I also thought you could pair this with one of these sensors to detect which toilet in the house was actually used: Aquaro Smart Water Monitor

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