Energi Data Service Binding [;

Whoops, I should probably consolidate as either VAT or Value-Added Tax. Thanks for noticing.

Yes, this part I cannot “fix” without removing the Danish translation. It happens because translations are not available until the add-on has been installed. It’s a bit unfortunate. The unavailability of such metadata before installation is also related to other issues:

A PoC for the discovery issue is currently in progress. It will be interesting to see the final outcome and if this will pave the way for resolving some other issues as well.

Exactly. However, it’s new to me that some electricity suppliers have dynamic rates during the day. I thought that only applied to spot prices (obviously) and net tariffs. Be aware that internal calculations in the binding will not consider such externally supplied rates. So far this wasn’t a problem, since you really just want to get the cheapest price, and with fixed rates, the fee of the electricity supplier would not make any difference.

This is probably good to have in mind for: