Error 401 logging in only via android app

OK, so i guess it were different problems. I can use the app remote again. I can see some icon problems remote (not locally), but at least it works again.

I also have the same issue with the Android app. Tried all the same steps to fix it but no luck.

Hi everyone, i also have the same problem with the app. so anybody fixed the issue yet?

As i posted above, for me, clearing the app data with the android app memory settings fixed it for me. If you didn’t try that yet, you should.

Did this issue ever get solved? I am fighting the same problem since days, without any success. Deleting the app data or even installing the app on a new phone did not help.

i had the same problem.

the solution was a java update.

the communication doesnt work with one java version. so u dont see the sitemaps or see your openhab is online. a communication error. you have to update.

thanks to StackExchange!

Please read carefully- there is one mistake in the firts comment- you have to read also the second.

i hope it works!

Thanks for the tip!

I updated Java as described. As far as I can tell, the update was successful.

[15:17:56] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)

The URL I use in the app is:

However, sadly I still can not access my openHAB via the app outside my network.

The username and password is the same as I successfully use for accessing

Is there anything else I need to do to get access via the app? Any other idea what I could be possibly be doing wrong?

Try this URL in your App- settings- change to

Check the UUID and the Secret- Update in myopenhab- restart openhab- reinstall the App- and then, we will see;-)

Give a Feedback! Good Luck!

Also do the updates and upgrades! (SSL automaticly)

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works fine after I delete the url and retyped them in again

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thanks a lot, have faced with the same issue. URL retyping helped.

unfortunately i am facing that problem since a couple of days.

retyping the URL, clearing all app data, re-install the app …nothing helped.
The instance is reported online and i can access normally except from my android phone.

Any other ideas on how to fix that ? Running nuts already…


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I had this same problem and tried the various solutions above, however in my case it was a simpler problem. I had used Android autocomplete to complete my email address in the account box, but autocomplete had added an extra space at the end of my email address, so openhab did not authenticate it.

So check that you don’t have any trailing spaces when you enter your details.

Hope this helps someone.



Yes this is it!!! Thank you i tride it 5 hours haha

Old thread but this is exactly what happened to me. Cheers

I had the same problem, my phones autocomplete added a space after the email

Worked for me, app must have been stuck on old settings. Thank you!

New install of OpenHAB3 with a 401 using the Android App locally, had to enable/allow Basic Authentication in Settings->System Services->API Security.

From the docs: openhab-docs/ at b8c8ca28fc9f6c01829451b0fc784a11d73ef700 · openhab/openhab-docs · GitHub


YES!!! This was it! Solved my problem.

Many thanks!

Thanks, also helped here. This should be documented better.

I have the error: “Verbindung zum lokalen Server fehlgeschlagen. Sie haben keinen Fernzugriff aktiviert”